WIN - Purse Pocket

The idea is that you have all of your essential items, 25-30 credit cards/club cards, check books, money, change, blackberry/phone, car keys, sunglasses, 4 lipstick holders (we've found the average woman has 4 lip products at any time) lip liners, compact, gum, in-haler or medicine, snacks and it all fits into a fabric bag that is washable.
You can change purses really fast without forgetting anything and you can also put your purse pocket into a gym bag, baby bag, travel bag, computer bag, school bag, nursing bag, briefcase, etc. and you have everything you need all the time. Bag to Bag to Bag is the slogan.
Review by: Tanya Peila
WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Purse Pocket are giving away one Purse Pocket to one lucky reader.
To enter for your chance to win:
1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed (make sure you leave an email address to be contacted at).
To enter for your chance to win:
1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed (make sure you leave an email address to be contacted at).
2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber (make sure you leave an email address to be contacted at).. US entries only and one entry per person.
Winner will be chosen on August 9th.
Labels: Giveaways
I'm a subscriber.
I am a subscriber with a really cluttered purse. Wink!
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I'm a subscriber.
Fabulous!! I'm a subscriber.
DeAnna annaed_2(at)yahoo(dot)com
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mom1093 {at} gmail {dot} com
I am a subscriber
What a great idea! I'm a subscriber :)
czakcass AT
I am a subscriber. I love this idea.
Already a subscriber - saw this in your email! :) I'd love to have one of these. One reason I tend to not change purses very often is because I get used to having things in a certain place, and finding new places for those things in a different purse can be a bit of a challenge. :) This would solve all that, and I could change purses as I change shoes! Woo-hoo!
I subscribe
I'm a subscriber! This sounds wonderful...great for big purses with bottomless pits in them!
I'm a subscriber.
I'm a subscriber and I would love to win a purse pocket. I love the purse I own, but hate that I can't organize my stuff!
I'm an email subscriber. :)
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
Awesome organizer. I'm a subscriber.
I've always wanted one of these! I'm a subsriber!
I just subscribed and I love the idea of being able to change bags quickly without just throwing in everything.
I'm a suscriber and I want this purse pocket!
I'm subscriber and I want that purse
I don't think my last comment went through--sorry if it did and this is a duplicate, but I'm a subscriber either way!
ariella at blight dot com
I'm a subscriber :)
daer0n_ at hotmail dot com
Great idea! I am a subscriber. deliarose1975 at gmail. com
Delia Jones
I am a subscriber!!!!
I'm a subscriber with
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribed.
I am a subscriber, and this looks like just what my purse needs.
I'm a subscriber....themommie
oooohh! Mama *wants*!!
I'm a subscriber - crystal (at) 3stairs (dot) com
I am a subscriber!
i am a subscriber. thanks for the entry.
I am a subscriber.
I am a subscriber!
I'm a subscriber
I'm a subscriber.
Awesome idea!!! I'm a subscriber - brosia13 at yahoo dot com
what an awesome idea! I'm a subscriber - brosia13 at yahoo dot com
I'm a subscriber. GREAT Idea!!! jennirv4967 at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber :)
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber with a very cluttered purse!
Looks great! I am a subscriber!
Try this again, sorry!!
I am a subscriber!
This looks neat! I'm a subscriber.
I am a subscriber
Thank you!
Love it!
What a smart idea. My purse is like a bottomless pit! I'm a subscriber...
I am a subscriber
Jeanie Cullip
I am a subscriber! :)
crunchypenguin (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribe. canwestopthis(at)gmail(dot)com
This is so neat.
I'm a subscriber.
I'm a subscriber!
I'm a subscriber. Purse Pocket is a clever idea!
I subscribed !! love the organizer =)
I'm a subscriber. Have eyed these purse liners for awhile but never bought one. Thanks for the contest!
Loyal email subscriber!
Sarah Muennix aka Mom2Rose
I'm a subscriber!
I'm a subscriber.
hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'm a subscriber!
bs.webster at sbcglobal dot net
I'm a subscriber.
I'm a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber
I'm a subscriber
Cool! I'm a subscriber
Hello, new subscriber here with a really full, messy, needing help purse!! Thanks :)
I am already a subscriber. This is an awesome idea. I carry big purses that seem to be a bottomless pit to find anything after I put it in there. This will be a great win.
mercsmercado at yahoo dto com
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