24/7 MOMS Chat It Up!!!!!

Here is the recap from the July 21,2009 show.
Books Suggested:
The Song of Solomon
101 nights of great romance
Authors Les and Leslie Parrott’s books
Created to Be His Help Meet
The Karma Sutra
The goofy sex books at stores like Spencers
Tickle His pickle
Sheet Music
Danny Akin has a great site on marriage
Ride Em Cowgirl
Night Lights for Parents and Night Lights for Couples
What's He Really Thinking, by Paula Rinehart
Books by Author Dr. Kevin Lehman"For Women only" and "For Men Only"
Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti (the book and the study guide/workbook)
Ways to Up the Sizzle: (in your marriage)
Write sexy messages in the steam on the mirror from the shower
When my husband was working nights I left him a sexy note on the counter and he love

DH buys me flowers every couple weeks just because
Hubby does the chores and it's foreplay for me ;)
My hubby cleans and I take care of the kids then we have a date after the kids go to bed. Each week we take turns choosing the dinner. He might pick up sushi or I get fondue. Sex is the dessert!
The love dice are fun
One thing we learned Marriage Encounter is feelings are neither right nor wrong they just are
It's good for kids to see their parents showing affection
We keep our date night each week. We are very protective of that night
I start taking off my hubbies clothes when he comes home from work
Me and my hubby actually trade up on what we do on our date nights
Go out overnight without kids at least once a year
Our small group encourages and challenges all of us :)
I pat hubby’s butt when he walks by
Have "s word" pet names that the kids have no idea what you are talking about
Fix their favorite dish for dinner.
We do “date-ins“sometimes
Be spontaneous
Sit on the couch together and send Facebook messages to each other.
We don't go out as much but we have nights at home... games, movies, etc
I send text messages to my hubby
Keep his favorite soap in good supply and always have a secret stash of his "must haves"
My hubby travels every week...I send text and IMs while he is working...also put notes in his luggage
Call hubby from the CELL phone on the HOME line and talk phone sex when the kids are still awake
My hubby calls me every day when he's on his way from work. This gives us time to talk a little before he gets home and thing get wild.
Give a 10 second kiss when hubby comes home
If you dress up and start making yourself look good. You will start feeling good about yourself. Exercise will help you feel better too and sexier.
Unplug the TV (especially when he's not a “techy” and cant fix it)
Blindfold your husband, take his hand, walk him around the house, then sit him down on your couch in your house then watch a movie
We talk every night after the kids are in bed and before I go to bed
My husband loves suggestive texts for what is to happen when he goes to bed that night
Know his "Love Language” Is he a time person? Is he a gift person or a service person?
I read romance novels that keep me a little romantic. Reading warms me up before he gets home.
We take long drives, picnics
There is no perfect marriage. Two imperfect people can't make it perfect they make it real.
Sexy pictures of yourself
My husband loves it when I get pedicures
Set an “appointment” (write it on the family calendar), then arrange for a sitter. When you're all dressed up for your “appointment”, announce to him that he's the "client"
Love and Respect
Fighting naked sounds fun
My hubby likes me to bathe him
Online, order him free samples of ky and trojans
We talk about when we met.
Hubby loves when I go get my nails done
I love taking a shower with my hubby
Products We 24/7 MOMS Love:
The Ped Egg
Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners
Sun and Earth has a new spot removal pen.
My Little Seat. It's a travel highchair
Helping Tame the Kids’ Video Gaming:
We do not let our play video games on the weekdays at ALL
For every minute of reading they get video games
Have them earn time. Use timer and when it goes off the game ends. Makes the timer the bad guy not the mommy
Hand out the poker chips; they spend the portions of time when/how they choose -- when the chips are gone, it's done. This teaches them budgeting and prioritizing.
At one time we gave them screen time tickets. They could use them for videos, TV or computer
Our son plays video games only when my husband can play. Not that we don't trust him, it is our way of limiting the game and it also keeps him interacting with people.
Always give the "Five more minutes"...for easier transitions
Any of you moms have experience with reflux babies
Take them to the chiropractor. We seriously did not believe in it but took my daughter at three weeks
You can also try a little rice cereal in their bottle
We gave my son some reflux drops from the doctor 2-3 times per day and it really helped (http://www.napnanny.com/)
There is also a product called a napnanny. It’s kind of pricey but WAY worth it
Do you prop your baby up while sleeping - that helps a ton
Use a swing it keeps them upright
There is a Boppy pillow (not a nursing one but it just a big round circle) that fits in the crib and it keeps them slightly elevated - works great!
You can adjust mattress in crib to be higher on one end than the other
Keeping the Kids Busy Ideas:
Tacoma Children's Museum is free first Friday of the month
Last, but certainly not least: We had a call for “Oprah” votes, for Trisha. Both TechTayna and TrishasMom: motioned for a chant of “Oprah, Oprah, Oprah”
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