Let's READ and WIN a Vtech Reader
Let's Read and Get our kids to with us. Choose one night over the next seven days that you designate as your Family Reading night.
Make it FUN with these Family reading night tips:
1. Provide snacks - just like you would if it were Family movie night.
2. Get out of the book - Use other reading tools such as the Vtech V. Reader for kids this adds variety to your family reading night
3. Comfy - Allow everyone to get in their comfy clothes or PJ's, grab a few pillow and blankets to get comfortable as you enjoy your family reading time
4. Take turns - If your child is old enough to read, take turns reading to one another.
5. Book Club - Start a family book club. Choose a book that you and your child/children will enjoy reading then invite other families to do the same. You can even host a book club party after all families have finished their book.
Enter for your chance to win:
1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address and Share your ideas on how you have created family reading times together. Leave a comment and tell us your tips, ideas and stories..
2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address and Share your ideas on how you have created family reading times together. Leave a comment and tell us your tips, ideas and stories..
US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on July 18, 2010.
US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on July 18, 2010.
Find VTech on Twitter at @VTechToys, on Facebook here www.facebook.com/vtechtoys
*This is a sponsored post from Vtech V.Reader and The Motherhood The opinions in this post are entirely my own. This post has not been reviewed or edited by anyone. We also received one Vtech reader for review
Hi - I'm already a subscriber - thanks for a chance to win!
monstergirlee at gmail dot com
Subscriber milliegp@aol.com
We have books everywhere and I am always reading something. My children (5 & 3) love to read to themselves and to each other. We've never done anything particular to promote reading other than provide plenty of books, magazines, etc and to read in front of them and with them. :)
I am a subscriber mnsteph[at]gamiil[dot]com. I get my family to read by having lots of fun books based on their favorite movies lying around within easy reach. My kids love to read so if we watch a movie like Toy Story, the next thing we do is pick up a book about it. A big thing is I keep all their books within reach of their short arms. They help themselves.
I am an email subscriber!
loriandtonytt at comcast dot net
We have created family reading time by making sure we read every night before bed, and the kids get to pick the books!
I'm an e-mail subscriber!
We do story time right before bed. My son loves to pickout the book and he's gotten to the age now he picks one he knows and he'll read to us! He also enjoys picking out new books at the library to read together at bedtime.
I subscribe and every night before bed, my daughter and I get as comfy as possible and spend 30 minutes reading. This is so relaxing and a great activity for us to do together.
i subscribe
I am a subscriber.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
We love to order out and read. Its nice to have a meal while reading a book.
I'm already an email subscriber.
I'm an email subscriber!
We set aside a time to visit the library each week...it's easy because I'm a librarian at the library! I love watching my kids enjoy their books and I can see their imaginations growing. We also read books to the kids after bath time. My 10 year old is old enough to read on his own...but nothing makes my heart swell more than his little sister curled up in his lap while he's reading a princess story to her. It's adorable!
Books take you places!
We read together before bed every night. My son loves reading so we will do it at other times, too.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
We set aside 30-60 minutes each day for quiet time and reading! Reading together is a great way to spend quiet time!
I subscribe!
subscriber. We have 3 kids all different ages so we take turns and each child gets a night to pick a book (or chapter). We also take weekly library trips so the kids can pick up new titles.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
We each choose a new book from the library (one we haven't read before, usually, though we do have some faves!) then we cuddle up in my bed at night and take turns reading to each other. Sometimes, we have such a fun night, I read all the books again in the morning after the kids have crawled back in bed with me (before my feet even hit the floor!)!
I am a subscriber - love the blog and webcast!!
My family is very big into family reading - whether it's individual reading time or group reading.
As a family we participate in local storytimes at the library and Barnes & Noble as well as reading at home together.
Sarah (Mom2Rose)
I'm a subscriber and would love to win this. kovachs@gmail.com
My older son reads from a chapter book to his younger brother when they wake up on summer mornings.We do lots of read alouds during our homeschooling time.
I'm a subscriber and my email address is brady_candice@hotmail.com
I am an email subscriber bottmar@comcast.net. We schedule our reading time on a daily calendar along with the book and any drawings that will give us a clue about the book. Reading is important every time of the year.
e-mail subscriber
Count me in, please.
Email subscriber
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I'm an email subscriber.
sharonjo at gwtc dot net
We always keep lots of books in the house to encourage reading by the whole family. We are lucky enough to live close to our state's library and have used it extensively over the years.
I subscribed to your feed via email. (heathermmoses@gmail.com)
In our house reading has always brought a smile to my kids faces. My 3 & 4 yr old love telling stories and having mommy read to them before bed. Their fav book right now is "the little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear" . I enjoy reading to my babies and I make it fun by doing voices and faces and whatever makes them enjoy the story :-)
I am an email subscriber.
To keep reading going to 2 little ones under 2.5 yrs, I keep a stack of about 10 books on hand. This would come in handy!
I am a subscriber. We started reading to our first child while she was still in the womb. I honestly feel that this sped up the bonding process. We have continued reading to the children every night.
Thank you,
Hopeful subscriber
subscriber - penguin_pris@verizon.net
We read for 15 minutes (minimum) evdery day some times a lot more. We visit the library every week or two and they chose their books plus I chose books for them. My oldest girls (5,6) have their own library cards and they love to check out their books, which they then take home and have me read or try and read themselves. Plus, we have signed up for our library summer reading program.
already a subscriber
herry123_us at live dot com
I subscribe
I try to rotate family reading each night the kids get to rotate who reads aloud to the rest of us. it is a time we get to spend together but also a time for them to learn and grow.
chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo.com
I'm an email subscriber.
Tonight we're having a family game night. The little ones are playing Connect Four and my husband and I are playing Scrabble. It's really fun to do things together.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
i subscribe. we are a reading family. i think it brings us closer together. wolfbayou@yahoo.com
We picked boring old Monday to be our reading night! This will be fun to look forward to.
I am a subscriber :)
I love that my two oldest (out of 4) read well now and it makes it more fun reading together.
Im a suscriber. mamatkins@hotmail.com
I am a email subscriber an we have aroutine of reading before bedtime,its relaxing an tends to help them sleep better
Hi I'm already a subscriber. (christina.m.dorsey@gmail.com)
My family and I decided to make Tuesday night our Family reading night. To get my 2 year old really excited, we walk to the library and allow her to pick out as many books as she would like. When we get home we pull out the bean bag chair, pop popcorn and begin reading.
To help her not get too restless, we sometimes stop between stories to act out what we have just read. It helps her to stay active and encourages her to read even longer.
I am a email subscriber
I'm a subscriber! sweet401@hotmail.com
I'm a subscriber. smhparent [at] hotmail [dot] com We try to mix things up by reading both familiar books that my kids love, along with new ones that we get from the library. It's always great when we discover an author we haven't read before and we can go to the library to see what else they've written! My kids really look forward to this.
already a substriber
sbozek123 at yahoo dot com
I take my boys to the library whenever possible, and we read 2 or 3 books at bed time.
I am already a subscriber and happy one at that! :)
brownatural at gmail dot com
Email subscriber.
We read every night. My two girls get to pick one book each for us to read. They forget to brush their teeth but never forget to grab their books. Don't worry I remember to have them brush their teeth.
I'm a subscriber ... akagamma@yahoo.com
I give each of my grandkids a new book as part of their gift for birthdays, Christmas, and any gift-giving occasions. My daughters and daughters-in-law all read to their respective kids nightly.
I already subscribe: brownatural@ gmail dot com
We are big readers in my family and this would be great to have for my toddler. She loves books.
You have to start young to grow readers and be consistent. The library is a great place to use for books, programs, shows, etc... they have everything there!
I am an email subscriber. My kids love to read,so everynight before bed my son will read to himself or his sister. They also have children's bibles that we read before bed.
I'm a subscriber (joahnjace@yahoo.com)
Books have been a big part of my boys lives since before they were even born. Each boy gets to pick two books to read every night before bedtime. The 4 year old pretty much can recite many of his books so we can't cheat and skip anything.
I'm a subscriber
g underscore tenn at yahoo dot com
I'm a serious reader, so I buy my daughter (and all her cousins) books for every occasion. We read every night before bedtime. First I read it to her, then she reads it to me. We sound out words and look for familiar words. We talk about the pictures and discuss the story.
I subscribe. We go to the library at least once a week.
I am already a subscriber!
We read as a family all the time. What we do is take turns reading a few pages each and we all make different voices for each of the characters in the story. It's really fun!
We have books all around the house. We have a bunch in her playroom, a small bookshelf in her room, in the living room on our mantle. We even have a couple in our bedroom for her. We have books everywhere and end up reading about 8 a day (if not more)
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
i subscribe (melanie(dot)myatt(at)gmail(dot)com)
we enter every summer reading program we can find in town: at the library, at various local bookstores, etc.
I am a subscriber. My kids get points for how many books read and then get a trip to the ice cream shop.
Email subscriber :)
I have always been a big reader and hoped I passed that on to my little one. I read to her every night while she was in my belly and continued after she was born with a book before bed. We visit the library once a week. She loves when Santa brings her books more then anything :)
I subscribe. We act out parts of the books our kids are reading.
I'm already an email subscriber.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I read to my daughter every night and we have her read back to us.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I'm an email subscriber.
We always read to our son before bedtime and we have books all over the house for him to play with and look through.
I am an email subscriber - polsen11atcomastdotnet
We like to keep track of how many books we have read on a little chart on our fridge - every ten books means you get to pick a treat/toy at the $1 store!
I'm a subscriber!
We have books in almost every room of our house, and we make time almost every night to snuggle and read before bed.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
subscribe email: slehandwc at gmail dot com
I buy (usually used) books all the time for my niece & nephew. I read them when I visit. Thanks for the contest.
I'm a subscriber @ azmarry1(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I am already a subscriber and we read each evening we hold a pajama party and read.
Email subscriber and try reading logs w/ fun prizes and a big gift card prize at the end of the summer
I'm a subscriber. We like to take our books with us out to the backyard and make it fun by "camping out" in a tent, reading by lantern.
I subscribe
DD and I snuggle together and take turns reading a book aloud to each other. This week it has been a Hunger Games marathon. We can't put it down and DH takes the book and hides it between reading sessions from us.
I am a subscriber - forgot my email so please dont use the other one
mudrunnersmom at gmail dot com
email subscriber
aleksa91 hotmail
We read together a lot. We even do it over breakfast and it keeps my toddler seated longer since she loves listening to stories.
dd and I read books aloud to each other. Right now we are hving a Hunger Games marathon and DH has to hide the book between reading sessions so we don't sneak a peek.
mudrunnersmom at gmail dot com
i am a subscriber my grand kids and i read a book everyday. they take turns picking out the book. we pop corn and throw pillows down flop down and read the story. each telling different ideas of whats happening in the pictures how they feel about the charaters. it is alot of fun
I'm an email subscriber!
I read to my kids before they go to bed. On wednesdays during the summer, I take them to the library to check out new books. They like that alot!
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
I'm a subscriber, the kids get involved in the summer reading program at our local library, they love it!
I already subscribe. We go to the library every 2 weeks and each of the boys are allowed to pick out 10books and then we read one of each of their books before bed. And we read in their bedrooms so that there is not any distractions.
I am a subscriber! Since my daughter likes to stay in the tub for excessive amounts of time, we use that time to read books.
I subscribe - we ready fun tongue twisters like "Stand Back Said the Elephant, I'm Going to Sneeze" which ends our night in giggles. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I am a subscriber.
My kids have soo many books so they like to play with a "pretend library" where one child lends out books to them and they will each sit down to read.
I am a previous subscriber...get your kid involved with programs like Book It, so they are rewarded for reading.
I'm already a subscriber.
I made sure to ask for a lot of books at my son's baby shower. I try to read to him as much as possible.
Can I comment again?? I'd really LOVE to have this! haha
I'm a subscriber and my kids love reading and being read to. We read every evening to each of them. Even our 6th grader loves getting a chapter from dad at night. I also like to read a bible story with the kids right after dinner. They really love it.
I'm a subscriber and we love taking turns reading out loud
jdmimi at gmail dot com
I am now an email subscriber!!!
My children and I love to read every day. We visit the library at least once a week.
Just subscribed! My kids LOVE reading & books. This would be an amazing gift. gngcrzy4u@juno.com
Here in our house we bribe our daughter to read. She is 11 and we give her 10 cents for every page she reads.Great for getting her to read the chapter books, but we also make her do a book report at the end of the book, Just a short one(who were the main characters?) What did you like about this book, what didnt you like ect?
At our house we bribe our daughter to read! She gets 10 cents a page.Its great for those chapter books. But we also make her do a short book report after each book(who were the main characters, what did you like about this story, what didnt you like) and she is required to read at least one a month.
I'm a subscriber and I tell my kids about books I loved as a child. This makes them want to read them too.
I am a subscriber
we read each night for fifteen minutes before bed
I subscribe by email and my son LOVES to read! I started reading to him while I was pregnant so I could get in the habit. We have several times throughout the day that are just for reading time. He loves to read and look at books and I make sure to have books on hand wherever we go!
I am a subscriber.
My son and I read every night before bed. Some days he will do the reading, some days I do the reading and some days we take turns reading pages. To make it fun and interesting, we always make sure we read characters dialogues in a voice that the character would have.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I subscribe. We join the summer reading program at the library. In addition to incremental prizes for reading, there are also activities, movies, plays, etc. that are fun, and the books are the icing on the cake.
I subscribe.
My oldest son has been read to nightly after bath time since he was a newborn. It has created such an interest in books that I hope will continue as he grows.
I'm a subscriber
Our family has established a bedtime routine of reading a book together when I tuck the kids into bed. It gets the kids excited about reading,
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
Email subscriber
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I get my kiddos to read by having a book swap once a month and changing up their books so they don't get bored!
I'm a subscriber.
nesta 67 {at} live dot com
We like to make reading a part of the regular routine - that way it not only is a fun thing to do, it is a habit!
I subscribed. We snuggle in the bed (some tickeling may be involved) I begin reading and turn it over to my granddaughter when it gets very interesting.
subscribe&we act out the books,everyone gets to pick there part,we have a great time doing it!
already a subscriber! thanks!
I subscribed. We make reading a large part of our daily routine, before naps, bed, and when we need some quiet time. We read favorites as well as new stories, and we frequently read as a family.
Im a subscriber and I love to share books that I read as a child!
email subscriber klp1965@myfairpoint.net
my kids and i love to sit out in the back yard aand read its very peaceful and quiet without any distractions :)
I am a subscriber. My email is kktacoma@aol.com
I am fortunate to be married to a writer. He has written books for each kid that is developmentally appropriate for them on each of their birthdays. They all look forward to it and now my 11 year old has started helping him write.
They are all amazing readers and the comment most often heard at our house is put the book down and do your chores.
I'm a subscriber. I take my children to the library once a week where they have storytime and the children pick out books which we read at night before bed.
I'm an email subscriber.
We have family reading time every night before my daughters go to bed.
I subscribed.
We read books daily. Any chance we get to read, we do.
I subscribed.
We read books daily. Any chance we get to read, we do.
I subscribed! My kids and I love to read books together!
I subscribed. We read books every night before bedtime. With my older child who is 6 we are just starting the Harry Potter series.
Hi. I am already a subscriber. What I have been doing lately is having the kids who can read share books with the younger kids that they used to enjoy to read when they were younger. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I subscribe.
We try to read together every day and often pick out books with themes and "act them out" ie princesses, frogs, travel to outer space.
lindacarol6 at gmail dot com
i am a subscriber and we read at bedtime or anytime the kids bring out a book! It is fun when I know the book and can overemphasize the reading.
I'm a subscriber!
I am a current subscriber
Every night the kids pick a book each and we all sit on one bed together and read through all three books right before bedtime. My 4th and 2nd grader each read their own books, and I read for my 4 year old.
My daughter loves to read so it hasn't been that hard to create for us, but we also visit the library weekly for new books.
I'm a subscriber
I already subscribe :o)
I love to take my kids out on the lawn during summer. We get a big blanket and a ton of books. They will listen to me read forever soaking up the sun! In the winter we like to get a blanket and go somewhere in the house and cuddle up and read.
I am already a subscriber ...
thanks for the chance...
I subscribe...stephmcneilly (at) comcast (dot) net
We regularly read before bed and I just put on hold a book at the library--Honey for a Child's Heart (?)--that's supposed to be a great resource for reading. I can't wait to try the family book club idea. LOVE the suggestion. Thanks!
I'm a subscriber! dkb11(at)cox.net
Our story time is always at night. My little one gets to pick out the book and we read it together. We also take frequent trips to the library for some new ones!
I am an email subscriber
We have nightly family reading time where the kids and I sit together and we read a few books that the kids pick out before bed time.
I'm a subscriber: ubrewme@yahoo.com
My Son and I would pick books together to read. He has an entire collection of books for different stages of his life. Now, at 20, he has all the books to pass on to his child(ren) someday.
I am a subscriber. We read books with lots of shapes, colors, numbers, and we go through the book and I have my little boy tell me what each thing is. We love reading! fivepenniesplus1@gmail.com
I'm an email subscriber to this blog.
My 2 boys and I spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day reading books. We have a ton of books as my Sister in law is a teacher and loves buying lots of books for my kids. We also go to the library every oher week and my boys pick out books they want to read.
Already a subscriber
My daughter is 1 and my husband just built her very own book case. She has a mini library going and she just loves to take books out and flip through them. We sit and talk and point to the pictures and words as we read to her. As she grows up, we already know from her personality she will be acting scenes out and wanting to be read to all the time.
clc_little_britches@yahoo dot com
I subscribe, We have always read to the kids-its a ritual at night. they receive books as presents and we go to the local library once a week
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I subscribe! We just had our first baby 2 weeks ago, and I am trying to read him a book everyday!
tracystandage at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber. I read a lot, so my kids always see me reading. I try to get them to read at least 20 minutes a day, preferably at the same time so we have some quiet reading time. Then we can talk about our books.
I am a subscriber. We set aside about an hour each night before bed to read. We also make it fun by joining book clubs in the summer. Thanks for the chance, justicecw@hotmail.com
I'm a subscriber. cbeargie at yahoo.com
We encourage our 4 year old to read by hunting for letters everywhere we go. She also has her own library card which she is very proud of.
I subscribe. My son loves to read. I think so much of that is because my husband likes to read and my son wants to be just like his daddy.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber, angiewattie@yahoo.com
My 4 year can already read, and very proficiently. I initially watched Leap Frog Videos, like Letter Factory, that helped teach phonics. We regularly go to the Library, read books online, and go to storytime programs. We also practice writing, and spelling, that help with her reading.
I'm a subscriber, we read every night before bed. Of course I have to read a bedtime story after she is in the bed which I don't mind at all!!
I'm a subscriber. I read to my son every night before bed. We both look forward to it and it's given him a love of books. jenalber@hotmail.com
I am an email subscriber...FOR SURE!
How I get my daughter to read...?
Every night before bed I read to my daughter in hopes of her falling asleep. If she is still awake after I finish the story, she then reads the same story to me, but according to the pictures because she can't read...yet, but she's learning. We practice day and night! UGH!...I need a reading vacation!
I read to my daughter every day, several times throughout the day! She loves books and being read to! She's so excited to learn how to read!
mainlandmama at gmail dot com
oops I'm already a subscriber. I LOVE to read and always welcome my daughter to come sit with me so I can read to her. She chooses a bunch of books every morning and we go through them throughout the day...;)
email subscriber what a wonderful tool to help my grandchildren
I am an email subscriber at
bwirth1974 at yaho dot com
We read a famiy book in our house every night. My 6 year old then will then read a beginner book, she is so proud of her learning to read! We all enjoy this time together.
I subscribe via email. I read to my daughter every night before bed and before nap time (she's only 2). When she gets older I plan on doing a reward system with her when she finishes a new book :)
Subscriber. We like reading before naps & bedtimes - I've had to put a 5 book limit on, or we'd be reading all night!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
I make reading fun by reading with excitement. I read every night to my daughter.
mandypandy3@gmail dotcom
I forgot to put I am a subscriber
can yoou add this to my last comment so I only have one entry?
I am a subscriber. Here is my email: kniewiadomski@ymail.com
My son is 2 and I read to him everyday. He also like to look at books by himself.
I am a suscriber--tholesteph@gmail.com
I'm a subscriber!
We have story time and devotion time right before bed...also we read books whenever my son asks us to throughout the day. We even have him reading a little...even if he's just looking at the pictures though, still glad he's gaining a LOVE for books!
I am a subscriber.
We read the scriptures together as a family...and my son loves to read to his baby sister.
I am a subscriber (adutt at yahoo dot com)
I am a subscriber.
I am email subscribed.
I read to my toddler grandchildren when they visit me.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
This would be really nice, subscribed to 24/7 darcellec@yahoo.com
MANDATORY ENTRY: I'm already an email subscriber.
Also, the tip I have for making 'wanting to read' fun is by rewarding those who actually take the time to read a story cover to last page. For instance, I tell my daughter that if she attempts to read an entire story, or at least a couple pages of the story, I will take her swimming later that day or the next day. Or I'll extend the swim time by 1/2 an hour. This little 'trick' works so well, my daughter get's really into reading, or at least reading me the story according to the pictures.
we have a family reading night every night and always go to the library once a week to stock up on books. I either read to him in bed or we all get in our big bed together and read stories. Also a subsriber
I'm already an email subscriber.
We LOVE to read here and my 5 1/2 year old daughter has quite a few books in her collection and a cute & cozy reading spot for her to sit and go over the books. We love to go to the library and even though I swear I won't do it again, I always get enough books to throw my shoulder out of wack for a couple of days, lol. I've read to her since she was 2 months old and it's a great way to end the day. :D
Another way our family incorporates everyone into family reading 'event' is when we head out on a long drive somewhere. We pack up (Mom, Dad, & Daughter) into the SUV and grab a couple 'interesting' children's books for the trip. I will read the 1st story and PRAY I don't get car sick doing so. When I'm done with the story I give the book to my daughter and she reads the story to my husband and me...according to the pictures because she cannot read yet...she's slowly learning! I truly enjoy what her little mind 'makes up' as a story...according ONLY to the pictures. She is very creative, that's for sure!
i am a subscriber. henuno@hotmail.com
i love to have a lot of books on hand with lots of variety. I get books from the library, thrift stores and garage sales. Books are always close at hand. I like to read my son books when he wakes up in the morning or from naps because it stretches out that snuggly still tired stage.
snakan0 at hotmail dot com
Just a quick note! I'm a little worried that you won't get these comments for the *end* date for this giveaway says, July 18, 2010. Please tell me this is the CORRECT place to enter to win a VTech V.Reader.
I am SssssOoooo desperate to win one of these awesome V.Readers. I would truly hate to have entered on the wrong giveaway. I'm so desperate to win a VTech V.Reader. My daughter really needs one of these to help her learn how to read. I truly believe this can benefit her in her studies!
I am a subscriber
I love to read and I want to pass that on to my grandchildren now as I did my daughter. She loves to read as well.
i'm an email subscriber
I'm a reader and now my boys enjoy books too.
bwalker1123 at gmail dot com
I subscribe
Hello, I am a subscriber
mjcommets at embarqmail dot com
We always have bed-time story time. Sometimes she gets one book other times two. We snuggle under the blankets get all cozy and read. It has become part of our nightly routine.
Hi I thought I entered this already. I let the child guide the reading by picking books they are interested in.
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I subscribe
We always read to my granddaughter, and she saw people around her who loved to read. Nowadays we like to snuggle in bed, I start out reading and when it gets interesting turn it over to her. When we stop, we enjoy surmising what will happen next.
I'm already a subscriber
When my little girl was born I started reading to her everynight. As she got older she would ask me to read a book to her multiple times a day. When she began walking she would always bring me The Cat In The Hat. She loved all of the excitement I put into it. Now she's 2 1/2 and she still loves reading. She trys to read it herself, it's really cute she opens a book and starts telling a story. I'm so happy that I started reading to her when she was just days old.
all ready get email ,what i did to help make a reader was to allways carry books for son and have books in car ect so he could read any were cdmarteny@mywebdesk.com
Email subscriber
vinter at warwick dot net
I began reading to both of my children as infants, later took them to our library's children's reading hour, helped them pick out books with only pictures in them first, got them each their own library cards before they knew what a word was - they were so happy having their own library card :-), and today they love to read books.
I'm a subscriber! christis at gmail dot com
I try to have a time every day when we turn off all tvs, computers, etc. and just read....all of us!
I'm a subscriber DNAChaffold@gmail.com
We read every night and we play spelling games during the day.
This sounds awesome! I am a subscriber and my email address is: christophsmama@verizon.net.
Already an email subscriber.
We take our kids to the library to choose their books which usually sparks their interest in wanting to read what they got.
i am subscribed @ asha.marie@Hotmail.com
spend one on one time with your child and have them pick the book they want to read.
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