Top 5 Summer Science Experiments for Kids

by: Kelly Wilson
Summer is traditionally a time for kids to run and play outside in the sunshine. Sometimes, however, kids decide they’re bored and have nothing to do.
In order to avoid this with my own kids, I came up with my top 5 science experiments that are disguised as summer fun, with no need for special teaching supplies.
The Nuts and Bolts
If you want your kids to keep track of the different science experiments that you do together, there are a few simple elements to write down on a sheet of paper.
· Question: What question do you have that you want to test?
· Hypothesis: This is your “best guess” about you think will happen, or how you think your question would be answered.
· Procedure: What are the steps to completing the experiment?
· Observations: Sentences and sketches that describe what happens during the experiment.
· Result: What is the outcome of the experiment?
· Conclusion: How was your question answered? Was your hypothesis right?
An alternative to writing everything down is to discuss each element with your kids while completing the experiments.
This particular science experiment’s results will take a few days to actually see. The fun part is that you can turn it into a necklace for your children to wear while you’re waiting.
Question: What will happen to a bean or seed when soaked with a cotton ball for three days?
The procedure is simple. Wet one cotton ball with water and put it into a small, snack-size Ziploc bag with a bean or seed. For a fun necklace, make sure the bag is sealed, punch a hole in the top, string a length of yarn through the hole and tie a knot. Check on the seed or bean each day to keep track of what’s happening.
Healthy Habits
This is a great experiment for opening a discussion about food choices with your kids.
Question: What will happen to a paper bag when a Bugle is placed inside?
For this experiment, place a Bugle in a small, lunch-sized paper bag and fold the top down. Watch the progress each day as the grease leeches into the bag, eventually destroying it (don’t tell your kids that this will happen!). For fun variations, try different pieces of food in separate paper bags to see what happens.
This is a great experiment for kids of all ages.
Question: If you put food coloring into bubble solution, will the bubbles you blow be that color?
Gather your bottles of bubble solution and all of your bubble-blowing tools. Start with adding a couple of drops of food coloring to the bottle or dish of bubble solution and blow some bubbles. Increase the amount of food coloring slowly, keeping track of how many drops you put in and if the bubbles are colored or not.
Chart The Sun’s Travels
This science experiment is easy, but it will take some diligence during the day.
Question: How far will my shadow be lengthened by the sun during the day?
Choose a spot on your driveway or patio and mark a large “X.” At the same time each hour, have your child stand on the “X” and trace his/her shadow with sidewalk chalk, writing the time down next to it. At the end of the day, take a look at your unusual artwork and talk about when your child’s shadow was the longest.
Water Balloon Test
This is a fun experiment for those unbearably hot days. There are two possible questions, depending on how many different kinds of water balloons you want to buy.
Questions: Are water balloons of certain colors stronger than others? Which brand of water balloons is the strongest?
For the first question, fill water balloons of different colors and choose something to throw them against, like the side of the house or the driveway. To make the experiment fair, the balloons need to be thrown the same way every time.
For the second question, the test is basically the same except you’ll need to get a hold of three or more brands of water balloons!
Avoid the blues with these easy and fun summer science experiments for kids of all ages!
Kelly Wilson is an editor with Teaching Resource Center, a that provides quality educational materials at discount prices.
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