24/7 MOMS

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Family Cabin Fever Activities

from: preschoolers.about.com:

Everybody Loves a Parade! It's time to celebrate! And it doesn't matter what. Pull out the dress-up gear, whether it's old Halloween costumes, too-big clothing from mom and dad's closet or even silly hats and scarves and march around the house, banging pots and pans, waving flags and pulling dolls and toys in a wagon. Anything can serve as an accessory -- wooden spoons, feather dusters, even cans filled with coins or beans. Get everyone involved -- younger and older siblings and even pets for a day of fun.

Animal Antics: This one will put to use your child's large stuffed animal collection. Gather up as many animals as you can and put them in a large bag or pillowcase. As your hide your eyes, let your preschooler pull out an animal and then put it back. See if you can guess which animal she chose as she acts out what it is. Take turns. If you don't have a lot of stuffed animals, just let her choose in her head, or, draw or cut out pictures of animals on cards and take turns choosing from the deck.

Fishing for Fun
This one requires a little advance planning. Cut fish shapes out of cardboard or sturdy paper and attach a paper clip to each one. On each fish, write a different activity, for example: "5 Jumping Jacks" "Jog in Place" "Touch Your Toes" or "Skip in a Circle". Place the fish in a large bowl or in a cornered off area on the floor. This is your "pond."

Take a long pole (a yardstick will do) and tie a string with a magnet attached to the end. Let your child "go fishing." Let her complete each activity as she reels in her catch.

Time for a Treasure Hunt
Again, you'll need to plan a little bit in advance for this activity. Gather together a bunch of small trinkets, new or old like cars, books, snacks and stickers and hide them in different places all around the house. Draw up a map so your preschooler knows where to look. Include fun instructions like "Take 5 backwards steps through the kitchen" or "Look in the place where you keep things you put on your feet" (read to her or draw pictures if she can't read yet). Let the final instruction lead her to a prize -- maybe a special snack or the couch where you can cuddle and read a book together.

from: FamilyFun.com:

Slam Dunk: Once your tot has mastered rolling a ball, set out a large basket and let her take a shot at throwing the ball into it. (Ages 15 months and up)

Two-in-One Fun: Give your child a small ball and two instructions: where to put it, and what to do while she's holding it there. You might tell her to put the ball under her chin and spin in a circle or to try walking with the ball between her knees. The goal is to follow your directions without dropping the ball. (Ages 2 years and up)

from : forums.parenting.com:

Obstacle Course. Be creative! Jump over the bean bag, run around the book on the floor four times (counting practice!), hop on one foot toward the couch while singing the ABCs, walk backwards over to the fireplace, then crab walk back to the kitchen, etc. Your directions can be called out while nursing a baby or folding laundry.

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