What They Were Chatting
Ideas, Comments, Tips, Resources, and Fun are all part of the Chatting that goes on during the 24/7 MOMS LIVE web cast. This week Team member Amy compiled the chat that happened during our weekly show into an organized list for us. So, even if you were not able to join us on our weekly show you can still be part of what the chatting was all about. 24/7 MOMS have GREAT things to share.
Websites/Blogs Mentioned During Webcast Chat:
OnBirthday.Com – The Place to Find Birthday Deals in Your State:
Party Delivered to You, in a Fun, Festive Box:
Irresistibly playful creations anyone can make:
http://www.hellocupcakebook.com/ .
Music Featured During 24/7 MOMS Webcast:
http://www.jennalexandermusic.com/ .
Books Mentioned During 24/7 MOMS Webcast:
itsbooyer: check out this book: Hello, Cupcake by Karen Tack & Alan Richardson
scrapnmom: “Martha Stewart Cupcake Book; 175 Ideas for Everyone’s Favorite Treat” is at Costco
IDEAS and TIPS chatted about:
Non-Birthday Great Idea:
scrapnmom: Oh...we do a back to school party… I do a chalkboard cake!!
Making Birthdays Special, Now and As a Treasured Memory:
*A birthday is a great day to remember those vital kid-statistics. Take height, weight and hair swatch of your children on their birthday.
Have the kids make the b-day cards for recipients. After the birthday, we make a scrap book page from the cards they receive...they love the notes from their friends years later
On my birthday, I write a letter to my parents, thanking them for "me" and thanking them for them in my life (and a note to my special friends)
lilibell: Yes, one of my most treasured things is a letter my dad wrote to me on my birthday. He is gone now and I love to read the letter.
dimoe: I have a special book that I write in once a year which I will give her when she is 18.. it is really recaps her year
Savin$Amy: write a letter to your friends on your b-day and to your parents..... Your kids just might learn to do the same for you (and the letters will be so valuable)
Anna: We take a picture as soon as they get up before shower hair brushed..... Great pics. Amazing how they were so excited when they were young but now we get weird faces.
TechieTany: We write them each a letter on their birthday
CupCake Decorating Ideas:
lori123: i love to google cupcake pictures for ideas
SL3MOM: Did u know Betty Crocker just came out with Gluten free cake, cookie, brownie mixes - saw that today
KarinH: For my daughter's birthday party in her kindergarten class I made cupcake in ice cream cones.
itsbooyer: use twizzlers for the baseball cupcake
Gena: I used to do "dirt" ones with gummy worms
c_retz: i just saw one where they put 3 together and frosted them with yellow. and put yellow & white little jelly beans in rows on them and put corn picks in the end to make it look like corn on the cob. it was really cute.
KarinH: The apple cupcakes would be a cute gift for teachers
Celebrating Birthdays:
Birthday treasure/scavenger hunts
Hiding small gifts or cards throughout the house
Sending a “birthday in a box” to a someone celebrating a birthday away from home
Gena: My son always wants cheesecake then we go out for dinner. This year, he got his first PORTERHOUSE
dimoe: we take her out for dinner
c_retz: i've made all my boy's birthday cakes.
scrapnmom: My son had ice cream this year for his birthday breakfast
beckysue75: Send them a note in their lunchbox at school
lilibell: We make lots of small birthday cards and hide them around the house and in my son's backpack, as well as small gifts. Lots of fun to search for them.
KarinH: We try to get balloons the night before when they are sleeping so they wake up with birthday balloons
lilibell: We make lots of small birthday cards and hide them around the house and in my son's backpack, as well as small gifts. Lots of fun to search for them.
Gena: I surprised boyfriend with game tickets. Our birthdays are 2 days apart Feb 16 and 18
RantRavRol: Wake them up singing Happy Birthday
scrapnmom: Go thru their baby scrapbooks and talk about how important that day was
Janet: Birthday fairy ribbon leading to gift.
scrapnmom: Make sure they know how special they are
annaed2: Our child gets to choose what we have for supper, including dessert.
HiSgUrL: he has no chores on his birthday!
itsbooyer: take your husband roller skating
sheilacake: we always cook out for my sons birthday
scrapnmom: I do special cakes for them...well, my friend Shelly makes them...so awesome
marylouguinn: my kids get to pick the breakfast, lunch & dinner for the day.
Celebrating Birthdays While Out of Town:
lilibell: We had to be out of town for my son's birthday, so we let him choose where to go and what to eat. he enjoyed being in charge
Savin$Amy: Mom Tip: If you go on vacation during your child's bday -- set a timer.... My mom once called me the day after and began singing...but did not call me on my bday
Celebrating Holiday Birthdays:
Christmas birthdays celebrated at the “Half-Year”, during the summer
beckysue75: You can celebrate summer birthdays early before school gets out or you can celebrate half birthdays during the school year
Birthday Party Themes:
c_retz: we did a zoo theme for my son's 4th birthday last week.
HiSgUrL: we did a bowling party..we gave mini trophies with gift certificates for a free game of bowling and we made all the kids bowling shirts
scrapnmom: My son's Mariner's baseball birthday I got Mariners baseball cards
scrapnmom: For my daughters Webkinz birthday I had special Webkinz sleeping bags for all the kids, they all still use them and remember my daughter's birthday
Finding Special Celebration Gifts:
*Purchase a helium balloon kit, for balloons at the ready for celebrations or any day you want to make someone feel special
scrapnmom: You can find fun things on ebay or etsy for gifts
Party Favors and Party Supply Ideas:
Keep a “celebration box”,: Shop sales, after-holiday clearances, and other great deals. Create one place where all of the party supplies and birthday gifts can be kept. Inventory and review this box occasionally. Find practical, fitting gifts for those around you (and those last-minute birthday invitations your kids receive), at a better price when you maintain this box, than the last minute, less-thrifty rushed purchases.
scrapnmom: Again I do focus on the party favors so my kids learn to love to give
HiSgUrL: we give more snacks as opposed to cheap toys in favor boxes. The cheap toys just end up in the trash with in a day or so
Birthday Party Activities Ideas:
annaed2: Let the kids decorate their own cupcakes at the party.
lilibell: We let the kids decorate cupcakes and it was a hoot!
Anna: We just did my son's 16th at the end of September last year. We did an Amazing Race. We had parents as the drivers and stations throughout the city
Labels: 24/7 MOMS Live
Thank you for doing this. Is this going to be a weekly thing. Even though I was there this post is still helpful. It will be even more helpful if I miss one.
Another idea would be to upload them as podcasts.
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