
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mommy Easter Stories and That Baby DVD and CD giveaway

The Easter Egg-stravaganza continues today with two, of what I refer to as LOL Mommy stories. We also have a great giveaway from That Baby DVD and CD, be sure to watch the video sample, you just might start rocking out at your computer.

LOL MOMMY Stories:
Do you remember as a child begging your mom to tell you a story about when you were a little girl? A funny or silly thing you said or did? Now our own children beg us to tell our Mommy stories to them. We all have those Favorite stories either from our own childhood or now as moms ourselves.

My all time favorite Childhood story was about Easter...One my own Mom tells and each time I hear it I can not help but laugh...I guess mostly because it's a story about Me.

About a year ago I was looking at old documents in my computer and I came across one about Easter that made me not only smile but LOL (laugh out loud), written by my daughter Savannah when she was 9.

As a MOM we all need a dose of LOL (laughing out Loud) . So, today I thought I would have my MOM share with you her Mommy Easter story (about me) and I too will share my Mommy Easter story you (written by Savannah).

By Patricia Eachus (Trisha's Mom)
Easters Egg
My six-year-old daughter Trisha ran excitedly into the house after being at the neighbors where they were decorating for the upcoming Easter Holiday.

Blue eyes sparkling and freckles dancing across her face, she was as cute as a button, and I could tell filled with an important question when she explained, "Mom, mom, why do we celebrate Easter?"

At first, taken back by the thought that I had perhaps not done an appropriate 'Mom Job' of sharing the deepest of all truths in our Christian faith, I quickly moved into the 'Mom mode'. This is a VERY important moment, I must stop what I am doing and take the time to sit and tell her again the story of our Lord.

Leading her gently through the story of Christmas and the birth of our savior, His life of love and sacrifice for us his children. She sat spell bound and I could see she was intent on every word, waiting for the Easter part. I had such a desire that the impartation of these truths were understood by her that I was not willing to take any short cuts in giving her the life of our Lord.

After quite a long story telling on my part, I finally got to the cross, Good Friday and what the sacrifice meant to us that believe. Again, she did a few squirms and I could see she was anxious. I explained that the cross was not the end of Jesus. "On the third day, Easter, He was resurrected" I explained.

"RESURRECTED", she raised her voice quickly. "What does that mean, Mom?"

I replied, "Trisha, it's so wonderful, he rose, he came back alive, he was no longer dead".

Her face relaxed, her eyes became knowing as she exclaimed, "Oh, so that's when he turned into the Easter bunny".

What's a Mom to do? After the big story telling, sitting her down with the important facts of our faith, with one statement from her I realized that I didn't really hear her question. Trisha was not asking me for the Easter story, which she already knew. She was trying to figure out how the rabbit got into Easter.

I hope you laughed as much as I do every time I hear that story.

Continue now and read My Daughter Savannah's Idea of Why there is a rabbit involved in Easter...

bunnyEsther the Bunny Learns About Easter
By Savannah Novotny
April 17, 2003
Once upon a time there was a funny little bunny rabbit. Her name was Esther. Her mother always told her that she was very special.

One day while she was talking to her friends they told her that she was really the Easter bunny, and her job was to give gifts to little boys and girls. She really believed it! She was so excited but she didn't know where to get goodies and gifts for all the little children of the world.

So she went to her Mom and asked, "Mom am I the Easter bunny?" Her mother responded "Yes my dear you are the Easter bunny, but I wanted you to figure it out all by yourself. I guess it's about time you found out."

One day soon you will help all of the other Easter bunnies of the world and give gifts to little boys and girls to celebrate the real meaning of Easter."

Esther was puzzled, because she wasn't sure what the real meaning of Easter was? "Mom" Esther asked, what is the real meaning of Easter? Her mom replied. "Remember the story you learned last week at Sunday School?". "Sure I do. It is one of my favorite stories." said Esther. "It was about God's only Son Jesus who dies for our sins and on the third day of his death he rose up and went to heaven. Our teacher said if we asked Jesus into our hearts we could be God's best friend and live in heaven too!" "That's right" said Esther's mom.

"Well why do we give gifts to little boys and girls?" asked Esther. "Because still, we want all the boys and girls of the world to know that Easter Sunday is a special Sunday because it is remembering what God's only Son did for mankind. When we leave special gifts it helps them to remember who Jesus is." Said her Mom.

"Wow exclaimed Esther, that means I really am a special bunny, but I still have a question? When do I get to give gifts to all the little children?" "Well my little bunny" said her mom, "when the time is right, but until then you are to do your very best to a good little bunny and always remember Jesus Christ is behind the real meaning of Easter."

The End
Did you have one of those Mom LOL moment with these fun Easter stories? Do you have a MOM story that you just know would make us LOL?

Today's Egg-stravaganza Giveaway:

Looking for a unique Baby gift or creative Easter basket filler? I've got a great one for you today.

That Baby DVD and CD
which features kid-friendly cover versions of songs written by artists like Fleetwood Mac, Paul Simon, Natalie Merchant, Joni Mitchell, and more. You may even begin to rock out with your little ones.

You'll be the hit of the baby shower with this hip, creative gift. Check out the Sample music video below

That Baby DVD and CD
are parent-run company and know the value of making responsible purchases for our own children. Their products are made in the USA using recycled materials. They offer a “no questions asked” money-back guarantee and free replacement of scratched or damaged discs. (They have kids too. They know how it is).

Be sure to check out That Baby DVD's website today.

I know you will love these!

24/7 MOMS and That Baby DVD/CD are giving away 2 DVD's and 2 Cd's . To enter for your chance to win, enter your name and email address in the box below you will be signed up for today's giveaway as well as be added to the 24/7 MOMS E-list (if you are not already a 24/7 MOMS subscriber). Then go to That Baby DVD/CD Fan Page on Facebook and sign-up to be a Fan. Winners must be Facebook Fans of That Baby DVD/Cd.

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