
Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Tower of Girl Power

By Steph Fink
A few months ago, I received a phone call.
Not just any phone call.
A call from my doctor.
“We just received your lab work back and we’d like to schedule you an earlier complimentary appointment.” 
An earlier “complimentary” appointment??? I’ve been with this doc for two years now and even when my thyroid and vitamin D levels have been low they waited until my next appointment.   Am I dying???
I feel it only fair to tell you that I have a flair for the dramatics…it’s part of my charm, okay, neurosis.
Back to the call…
“Our earliest available appointment is next Monday at 5:30 pm…is that good for you?”
The obvious question just had to be asked, “Am I okay? Is everything alright?” 
“The doctor hasn’t even seen your blood work results yet, we’d just like to set you up with a complimentary appointment.”
Why does she keep saying complimentary appointment?
I had a gut wrenching feeling that this complimentary appointment had nothing to do with complimenting me, on how they liked my new caramel highlights which now framed my face.  So I hung up the phone and prayed a rather freakish prayer.  “God, am I dying?”
(I already warned you.)
So I called my husband.  When he hears a weird calm in my voice, he freaks, “Humm…let me pray, babe.”
In between my freakish prayer and gold medal performance on the spazznastics mat, I promised God that I would not do life alone. 
I needed to make this promise because I have a horrible habit of acting like everything depends on me and that I’m a burden to God and my friends.  I don’t like bugging people but I do love to be “bugged” or help my friends.
So I got out of my comfort zone and shared this appointment with some friends.
My running partner, Jess, said, “I’ll take the boys and feed them dinner.”
I told her that I didn’t even think that far ahead and that I’d let her know.  I was putting her off because I didn’t want to put her out.  I later emailed her back and said, “Yes, thanks a bunch and I’ll drop dinner off with the boys.”
Tough girl emailed back, “No, you may not bring dinner over.”
My friend Laura said that she’d love to go to the appointment with me.  I thanked her and said I’d let her know shortly.  WHY do I keep putting my friends off?  I emailed and accepted her generous offer.   
My friend Nancy prayed with me.  On my appointment day she even left a prayer on my cell phone. 
Later that day, I prayed yet another freakish prayer, “Lord, why am I doing okay right now?”

I was doing more than okay because I had a tower of girl power surrounding me.
This time around, I didn’t try to do life alone.  This time, I didn’t isolate myself.  This time I let my girlfriends in.
My girlfriends knew what I needed before I even stepped off the spazznastics mat. 
God’s love, comfort, protection and provision were evident in my amazing girlfriends.  I would have missed all of God’s love if I kept isolated.  Minus being a lunatic and such, I am okay.  Thank you God for the tower of girl power, that kept me standing strong!
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:12 (New International Version)
Do you have a tower of girl power to support you?  Are you part of a tower to give your girlfriends needed power?

Steph's writing has appeared in Proverbs 31 Ministry, P31 Woman magazine.  In her free time she can be found encouraging numerous MOPS group in the northern Virginia area on the "Colorful Art of Friendship - Allowing God to Paint the Masterpieces" and MOPS leaders on "Being a Bright Light".

Steph can be found blogging at or on Facebook at Stephanie Fink or on her Facebook page Encouraged in Heart - Stephanie Fink.  She loves big hair, big cups of coffee and big bear hugs.


  1. I know that it's not easy asking for help, I still struggle with this. When I get out of my comfort zone and receive help, I see the power and gifts that God's given me...friendship and love!

  2. Steph,

    When my mom was ill, I spent a lot of alone time on that spazznastics mat!(still laughing over that, you totally crack me up) You do such a great job about putting words to things I feel/have felt... "I put my friends off because I didn't want to put them out." I have since learned to ask for and accept help. It is still hard though! Really enjoying you on 24/7moms, you are a delighful writer!
