
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting Conversation Back on the Dinner Table

By: Trisha Novotny
24/7 MOMS

 Unlike the families of the 1950s who seemed to have more time for family meals, we the millennial families find ourselves heading a million different directions at once. Work, activities, television, computers and homework all compete for our time and often our homes begin to feel like hotels, with family members waving to each other like guests as they pass in the hallways.  

In our home with 5 children, we counteract this millennial family craziness by placing a priority on family dinnertime. While it takes some effort, planning our dinners in advance allows us to spend more time enjoying the meal together than we do preparing it. This is important because over the years, my goal has been not only to provide healthy, balanced meals for my children, but also to create an atmosphere of togetherness and openness through conversation. 

So, how do we create conversation and get it back on the table in 2011?  Click here to read my full article and fun ideas over at Meals Matter.  Be sure to leave a comment and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas here Trisha! Thanks so much for sharing it with so families everywhere can Eat Better, Eat Together!
