
Thursday, September 1, 2011

What Every Mom Should Know

By Leslie Pleasants

As I was taking a shower today I was thinking (I know...  but that is my time to think).  :) What if the hot water tank bursts, would I know how to turn off the main water valve?  Where the heck is the main water valve? Then of course I started thinking of more things that I really don't know about.  Do I ask my husband now and make his ego get bigger or do I try to figure them out for myself?  Then I thought...  who cares...  its all about safety.  I know if something happens and he is gone I am going to blame him for not telling me so I better ask him.  :) 

What are some things that we (us women) should know about and be prepared if our husbands are gone?  Now surprisingly some of these things our men might not actually know about.  It's a good idea to go through everything together as a team and make sure you are all on the same page.   Be prepared for the worse.  Even your older children can get involved just in case they are at home alone or what if something happens to you and they need to take care of it. 

~ Main water shut off valve

~ Gas shut off valve and what to do if you smell gas

~ Generator; How to run it if you have one

~ How to fix a toilet that is over flowing

~ Know where the circuit breaker is and how to work it

~ How to jump start a car

~ Changing propane tank in BBQ (in case you don't have power)

~ How to put out a fire (water, gas, oil, electrical, etc...)

~ Emergency contact  (close male that can come and help you ASAP)

~ Poisonous creature (spider, snake, etc) in your house

~ Leaky roof

~ Intruder

I am sure there are more.  Please comment if you can think of more.  You might just help someone out.  :)

If you have neighbors close by, get to know them.  Let them know that you will keep a look out for strange things happening at their home if they do the same for you.  Exchange phone numbers and emails.  If your husband is gone make sure you have lights on outside.  Keep it well lit.  Double check that everything is turned off.  You never know with little kids and where their hands have wondered off to.  Better to be safe then sorry.

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