
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What I Experienced At Nutrilite

24/7 Moms was invited to attend an exclusive event to learn all about Amway's Nutrilite vitamins. I (Lori) went on the trip along with Amanda from Kevin and Amanda , Emily from Busy Mommy , and Jenny from Picky Palate  I am back and ready to tell you all about my trip to both the Nutrilite Center for Optimal Health in Buena Park, California and to Trout Lake Farm in Trout Lake Washington. 

I am always interested in learning more when it comes to fitness, nutrition, and overall health – but even I held some reservations when I heard the words Nutrilite and Amway.  Yes – you have all heard the stories.  I learned a lot and found it to be true when they told me “This isn't your parents' Amway”.  They weren't there to recruit me, or sell me their product, but to teach me about achieving my own optimal health.  Optimal health compels you to choose every day to be your best – by selecting the right foods and supplements, engaging in exercise and rest, and by incorporating healthy habits and balance in everything you do. Love that! 

The two day trip started early in the morning – we met at 6:30 in the hotel lobby and took off for the Nurtilite Health Institute Center for Optimal Health.  I did this sans coffee and breakfast since we were told to fast starting at 8pm the evening before.  Let me tell ya – this girl was missing her coffee BIG TIME!  We went straight to the health assessment which included blood pressure, resting heart rate, strength, flexibility, bone density, blood work, and more.  Then I had to swab my cheek for DNA – so CSI - for the Weight Management genetic test.  Our genes influence our tendency to gain or lose weight.  Some people lose weight best going low carb (40%), some by going low fat (40%), and the rest by balancing healthy carbs/fat.  Apparently, there is a six-fold difference in weight loss on low carb or low fat if you have the genotype match.  WOW!  Of course exercise is also a component and this test will tell me if I will lose better on a high intesnisty or lower intensity style workout.  There are three other genetic tests they did that will tell me if I am geneticlly predisposed to heart attack, how I metabolise B-vitamin, and my suseptability to osteoperosis.  I should find out all my results in about another week – so excited to hear back!!  Once we were done they fed us an amazing breakfast full of color!  Why is the color so important?  

We learned all about the phytonutrients that are found in fruits and vegetables – and how they block free radicals.  By eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables – of all colors – you are getting more kinds of phytonutrients for broader antioxidant protection.  You don't just need 7+ servings of fruits and vegetables – you need different COLORS of fruits and vegetables! 

Whew – that was a lot to take in so we were off for a much needed lunch break with professional football MVP and Nutrilite spokesperson Kurt Warner.  It was very relaxed as we ate great food and chatted about our families, hometowns – oh who are we kidding – we ladies wanted to know all about Kurt's stint on Dancing With the Stars :)

The next day, we were once again up early – with coffee :) - for our flight from California to the beautiful Pacific Northwest!  We flew to Portland, OR on one of Amway's private jets.  Walking straight from the car, to the terminal, to the plane with no lines or security hassles was fabulous.  Breakfast on board was a delicious breakfast burrito and colorful fruit bowl – beats the heck out of a bag of pretzels!  I felt so spoiled and am now ruined for flying commercial!  My hubby is a commercial pilot and was SO jealous about this part of my trip!

Next was our drive up to Trout Lake Farm in Washington.  Trout Lake Farm is the largest certified organic herb farm in North America.  Their primary crops are Blueberry, Echinacea, Oregano, Peppermint, Nettle, Valarian, White Kidney Bean, Dandelion, and more! 
I can tell you – I am from the PNW – but I was still in awe of the beautiful fields, flowers and mountains! 

The echinacea was in full bloom and gorgeous - behind the echinacea is the beautiful Mt Adams. 
One of the best parts of the day was when we were set loose on the 14 varieties of blueberries for some taste testing.  They were so yummy and it was hard to pick a favorite!

Now, the best part for our readers?  Nutrilite will be sponsoring a giveaway here on 24/7 Moms – check back soon to find out what it is!


  1. Very cool! Sounds like a great adventure. Would love to have the genetic testing done, myself!

  2. Wow I want to know more about that genetic testing and how to have it done. I want to hear about your results when you get them too. Very interesting stuff. I bet you learned alot. Your brain is probably overwhelmed. Very cool!

  3. What a great experience! Thanks for sharing....How Cool that you met Kurt Warner!!!

  4. My husband is apart of Amway and has taken Nutrilite products for the past several years and loves them. It’s a great way to ensure your body to get its vitamins and nutrients. I hope you had a great trip!
