
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mom Must Know - Overnight Camping Tips For Kids

The school bell has rung and summer has officially begun  - which also may mean your child is headed off to summer overnight camp for the very first time

I personally was a camp-aholic and loved going to Summer camp if given an option I would have been happy camper spending my entire Summer away at camp. This summer I will be sending my two youngest boys off to their very first overnight camp. Which is an exciting opportunity for my boys but another mommy letting go experience for me.   

So, it got me to thinking about what are the Mom Must Knows when it comes to our kids going off to Overnight camp.

I came up with a simple list to help your kids overnight camping experience be a successful one.

Start EARLY – Get prepared for packing by reading over the camp’s clothing and equipment needed list.  Be sure to talk with your kids about what they will need to pack as well as be sure you both know what is on the list.

Inventory – Look through your kids closet and dresser to see what items you can check off the list as item you already have and then make a list of items   you will need to purchase.  I suggest only sending clothing and shoes that you are not concerned about getting damaged, stained or lost.

Label – Order personalized sticker labels or get out the sharpie and begin labeling every item your child is taking to camp with their full name and phone number ( your cell phone is best).

Care Package - Kids love mail especially when they are at camp.  Take time  the week prior to your kids leaving for camp to prepare a care package as well as letters or cards to mail to your camper while they are away from home.  Depending on the location be sure to ship these items off in time that your kids will receive them at about the half way point of camp.
Be sure to know the camp rules as to what your kids are allowed to have such as candy and edible items.  Try to include extras for their cabin mates

The Must Packs :
Suncreen / Bug Spray
Water Bottle
Garbage bags ( for dirty and wet clothing) 
Identification onside suitcase,
 Zip loc bags in various sizes – to store keepsakes, small items etc.
Bathroom kit : toothbrush, paste, floss, comb, soap, shampoo, deodorant,  ( place n bag)
Flip flops or other shoes for the shower
Flashlight extra batteries
Small first aide kit
Book to read
Game to play with cabin mates.
Pre-stamped and addressed letters so your child can write home
Family photo
A favorite toy or blanket ( comfort toy)
Weather appropriate gear
Spending money
Medications – Call camp nurse ahead of time and go over your child's medications and health concerns.

The Must leave at home :
Electronic games and personal listening devices  
Expensive items that your child does not want lost, broken or stolen

Do you have a tip or must take item?  leave a comment and share with  us


  1. Great tips. We plan to go camping this summer so these tips will come in handy.

  2. This is a great list! I'll have to remember this when my daughter is old enough. Of course, even at 5 months our packing list is HUGE!

  3. Those are really great tips! Thank you! very useful post! I love the must leave at home section hehehe!

  4. So helpful. My kids overnight camping gear would include a DS, an iTouch and sporting equipment. On second thought, maybe they shouldn't be camping....

  5. Such a great suggestion to leave electronics at home. I know I could use a break from mine!

    Stopping by for #commenthour!

  6. You are a BRAVE woman! And so organized! Stopping by from SITS Comment Hour to share some comment love!

  7. way to be prepared. How many of his belongings do you think will return with them =)visiting from #commenthour

  8. Great post! I'll never forget my eldest's first sleepaway camp. An experienced Scout mom gave the many of the same tips in this most and it made ALL the difference. Enjoy being a #commenthour featured blogger tonight!

  9. I loved camp sooo much when I was younger. Disposable camera = key ingredient!

  10. I have so learned the "Start early" thing the hard way! My husband and I sometimes still think we can just stroll out the door with our NOT!
    Great tips; visiting from SITS comment hour!

  11. My little sister just left for camp this morning and there we were at Walmart with a list similar to yours yesterday. She's going with her school and I'm really excited for her!

  12. Great ideas! Came over from the SITS comment hour.

  13. This is great! I never went away to camp but always thought it sounded like a blast. I am going to pass along to my mommy friends with camp-aged kids. =)

  14. These tips are fantastic! Stopping in from Comment Hour!

  15. I'm going to save this. Mine is only 18 months old, so no overnight camp yet :) I didn't go to overnight camp b/c I was kind of sensitive as a child and too anxious. But I really hope I can send mine someday (cuz, let's face it, how nice of a break is it for parents, too).

  16. Great advice! Definitely a good idea to leave the expensive items at home.


  17. oh! I miss overnight camps- when I was a kid, I went to one during school, with my 6th grade class, and it was amazing!! we stayed in dorms, but it was still super fun!

  18. I'm so happy you listed these tips. I currently live on base and our housing is sponsoring a kids camping trip, but I never went camping as a kid and have no clue how to prepare or what to expect. #commenthour

  19. Yup!
    Mothers should take care of children always...Keep Bloging...!!!

  20. What a great list! Perfect. I loved going to sleep away camp.

  21. I remember sending my kids to overnight camp. Don't ever send anything important that can't be replaced. They always seem to come home with different things than you sent them with.
