
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Like it or not they are watching us - A Poem you will enjoy

Today as I was reading my emails I came across my daily update from my friend over at Happy Home Fairy and just knew I needed to share her Mothers Day post with you.

I love this poem - the reminder it is to me of the role model that I am  to my children on a daily basis.

Happy Home Fairy has created it to be a FREE printable - perfect for framing and placing on my desk or other fun place in m home.

Thanks my Happy Home Fairy friend.

Here was her post for the day:

Just wanted you all to know that you mean the world to me!
I would not be doing what I did without your support and encouragement!  You are each precious and you matter so dearly to me and to the Lord!  He has called you to be a mom and He has equipped you to be the very best at it – in His strength and for His glory!
Thank you for letting me be a part of your Mommy Journey. :-)
And if you need a bit more affirmation that you matter and that you are making a difference, read this poem
Make sure you have tissues nearby.
Click Image for PDF Version