
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

APP Of The Week - Happy Family

hAPPy family is a newly released app in Apple's ITune store. What do all children like to do? COLLECT. So what about an app that helps children collect positive behavior?   The idea for hAPPy family began last summer when my kids would collect various colored marbles in a jar for positive behaviors in turn for rewards. The marble jar was such a success in our family.  Within a week or two, I noticed a significant decrease in daily struggles and saw my kids being more accountable for their behavior.  My daughter was feeding the cat and eating apples without being nagged!  The only drawback was the marble jar was not exactly portable so voila, there was the idea for my app, hAPPy family.

hAPPy family is simply a portable marble jar although I took it a step further by introducing multiple collecting themes.  On-the-go or at home parents will have success with hAPPy family. How it works is simple: 
      *Children choose among five collecting themes - collecting images of marbles, bugs, ocean animals, candy or treasures.       
      *Parents assign positive behaviors to images the child is collecting and decides how many images are needed to earn a reward. 
      *Once behaviors and rewards have been chosen, the collecting fun begins!  Children collect images for positive behavior and with a finger's touch drag their images into a collecting jar.
     * Once the child has collected all the images needed to earn a reward, the images will disappear from the jar and the reward will appear on a screen where the child and parents can track rewards earned.

hAPPy family is fun for the whole family and can be completely personalized to work for any family.  And ALL members of the family.. I have my own jar and earn images for cooking dinner (reward is going out to dinner after I have earned 5). Our puppy even has her own jar! I am not sure she understands but it keeps us consistent in our training of her.   Please visit my website @  Available on Android phones this summer!

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