
Thursday, April 21, 2011

What to do with all those PEEPS?

Is it just me or are you also feeling like every store you walk into is being taken over by PEEPS? I see PEEPS in every color and variety as I stroll the isle of my stores.  I'm beginning to think the Easter bunny has a PEEP addiction - so what will we do with all those PEEPS once they are delivered to our homes?

Over the past few weeks 24/7 MOMS has shared a few fun PEEP recipes and ideas for our What to do with all those PEEPS after  the Easter PEEPS overload crisis.

I've quickly gathered all the ideas right here for you to easily find:

PEEP Easter Indoor Smore's

Easter Peeps make yummy and colorful indoor Smore's.  We found this fun idea over at Serious EatsClick here for complete how to.

Easter PEEPS Straws and Stir Sticks

Add a PEEP to your kids drinks after  Easter by placing one on their straws or Hot Chocolate stir sticks- We found this fun idea over at The AutocratClick here for instructions.

PEEPS Rice Krispie Treats On A Stick

Simple and Fast to create these fun PEEPS Rice Krispie treat pops on a stick ( we used pre-made Rice Krispie treats) that we found over at Love From The OvenClick here for instructions.

Rocky Road Peeps Brownies

Create this simple and yummy recipe right from a boxed brownie mix with a few added ingredients from You know what you oughta do blog.  Click here for complete instructions.

Peeps Bunny Cookies
from: Marshmallow Peeps

• 16 assorted PEEPS® Marshmallow Bunnies
• 1 tube ready-to-bake sugar cookies
• 1 container vanilla frosting
• Assorted colors of food coloring
• Egg-shaped cookie cutter

1. Using a rolling pin, roll out sugar cookie dough to 1/4” thickness.

2.Cut egg shapes out of dough using an egg-shaped cookie cutter.

3. Bake according to package directions and let cool.

4. Divide frosting into separate containers in order to create multiple colors.

5. Combine different colors of food coloring with vanilla frosting to make desired shades of colored frosting.

6. Frost cookies.

7. Place PEEPS ® Marshmallow Bunnies onto cookies by pressing firmly into frosting.


  1. I also saw someone make a wreath out of them, so cyte!

  2. These are all such cute ideas! I have to say, however, that 'whatever will we do with all these Peeps?' has never been a problem in our home. The answer, in a couple of words? Eat 'em! :)

    (Still...I might try to fight that instinct and try one of these adorable treats!)
