
Friday, April 15, 2011

One Dozen Egg-Cellent Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

1. Pirate Treasure Hunt - Create maps for your children to use on their egg hunt. Place on your map familiar things such as trees, bushes, the swing set etc. Maybe place X's as to where eggs are hidden and let them follow the map looking for their Easter eggs.

2. Flash Light Egg Hunt- This is a fun hunt especially for older children. Wait until it is dark to go hunting for the eggs and give each child a flashlight to help them in their search for the eggs in the dark. There are also glow in the dark eggs now available at stores to use in this type of hunt.

3. In-Door Hunt - Living in the NW we are never guaranteed a sunny Easter day so many of our egg hunts have been held in our home. There are lots of creative places to hide eggs inside your home. You might even find a egg or two a few months from now.

4. Assigned Color Egg Hunt- Give each child an assigned color to find during the egg hunt. It is best to make sure you have equal amounts of each color. You can even give a prize to the first child that finds all of their assigned colored eggs. Remind them they are to leave the eggs that are not their assigned color so the other children can find their assigned colored eggs.

5. Find a Egg Win a Prize - Place notes inside various eggs revealing what prize a child has won. The prizes can be simple and inexpensive. Be sure every child wins a prize so limit the number of note filled eggs each child can find.

6. Math Hunt - Write numbers on your eggs and tell each child how many eggs they are to each find. Once they have their eggs add up the numbers on the eggs to see who's total is the highest. The winner can be given a prize.

7. Scavenger Egg Hunt - Create a scavenger hunt list of the different types and colors of eggs they are to find. You will need to supply them with a list and pencil to use during their hunt. Remind them they are to only find what is on their list.

Here is an example of a scavenger egg hunt list

______ 2 Blue eggs
______ 5 Pink eggs
______2 Spider man eggs
______1 Two colored egg
______4 Green eggs

8. Personalized Hunt - Personalize each egg with the Children's names. Instruct them that during the hunt they are to find the egg with their name on it. You can fill these eggs with items that you know this child will like as well.

9. Find a Number Win a Prize - Place a number on various eggs that the children turn in for prizes. Have your prizes divided up into numbered categories such as #1 wins a piece of candy, #2 wins stickers, #3 wins a chocolate bunny etc.

10. Buried Egg Treasure - Use your child's sand box or fill a kiddie pool with sand then bury the eggs in the sand. Allow your children to dig and discover their Hidden buried egg treasure.

11. GPS Hunt - Turn the latest craze of Geo Caching into this years Easter egg hunt. The eggs can be hidden through out an area (grounds), and the participants can use coordinates, which they can pug into their GPS units.

12. Easter Story Egg Hunt - Add in the Easter story to this years Egg hunt by taking 12 plastic eggs that you have numbered. Place in side each one a part of the Easter story or you can use your Resurrection eggs for this.. When the kids have finished their egg hunt, gather them together and have them help tell the eater story in order of the numbered eggs they have found. This gives each child an opportunity to participate in telling the story ( be sure each child has found 1 or 2 of the numbered or Resurrection eggs)

To make your own Resurrection eggs  Click the links below to download the 24/7 MOMS  Resurrection Eggs instructions.

Resurrection Eggs - Page 1

Resurrection Eggs - Page 2

Your Turn - Do you have a FUN Easter egg hunt idea? Share it with us

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