
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Unconditional Love

by Jeanie Cullip
24/7 Moms Inspiration Editor

God is absolutely, positively in love with YOU! Yes You, Beloved, the one that is reading this devotion. He loves you and He so very badly wants you to love Him back.

God loves us so much that He gave His only Son to come to earth, mingle with us, teach us how we are to live, die on the cross so that we may have eternal life!

In return we need to love Him back. Unconditionally. Just as He loves us, unconditionally.

What does it mean to love our Father in heaven unconditionally? It means that we are to accept whatever He has for us. It means that we are to Trust Him in all of our daily decisions. It means that we praise Him when we are full of joy and we praise Him when we are full of despair. It means that He completes us, all of our satisfaction is found in Him and He meets all of our expectations!

Colossians 2:10 States we are complete in Christ Jesus.

Know that you are complete in Him. Because of Jesus you are a whole person complete and lacking absolutely nothing.

• Psalm 107:9 States He satisfies the longing soul, He fills the hungry soul with goodness.

Your satisfaction is in God alone. Jesus is my Snickers! He completely satisfies me. Whenever we try to find satisfaction in anyone or anything else we will be let down. No one else is designed to fill this role in our lives.

Psalm 62:5 My soul wait only upon God and silently submits to Him for my hope and expectations are from Him

God meets all of our expectations. Expect God to make you happy, forgive you, understand you, and provide for you and to meet all of your needs. Allow God to use people in your life to complete these things and/or allow Him to work in our hearts to rearrange our desires. When our expectations are in God it frees up everyone else around us.

This weekend I found out that a mother in my church lost her son and has another in ICU due to a car accident. Beloved, if we unconditionally love God who unconditionally loves us, we know that no matter what everything is going to be okay. It may not be how we planned, but it is going to be okay.

Jesus I thank you for loving us no matter what. We may not do the things that we ought to, yet you still love us. Help us love you in return, no matter what. Help us understand your will and allow your will to be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. It will never be easy yet it will be worth it when we are standing with you face to face and live with you forever and ever.

Jeanie Cullip is a happily married, stay-at-home mommy of 3 children of her own and 2 step-children. Finding joy, love & hope right in her own back yard and sharing it with her neighbors near and far. In love with Jesus, loves to giggle & loves to drink coffee. She is a freelance writer residing in Gig Harbor. Find out a "latte" about Jeanie on her Facebook fan page Cup of Joe with Jeanie. For questions and comments please e-mail her at

Image: Getideaka /

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