
Monday, December 27, 2010

What? 24/7 MOMS Is On Vacation

That's right 24/7 MOMS is taking a 4 day Blog-Cation your in box will be quiet 4 entire days as we take time to hang out with our families and begin preparing for 2011 - More fun, More moms connecting, More ideas, More tips for Moms and More Webcasts to watch.

Join us back here on January 1, 2011 as we kick off 2011 another year of traveling the MOM journey together on our blog and on January 11th we will resume airing the #1 Mom Webcast at 7pm PST and 9pm PST.


  1. Enjoy your vacation and time with your families. I'm looking forward to the new year with 24/7 MOMS!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Hurrah, for you: have tons of fun!!
