A Holiday Exchange Party and Giveaway

Ready to Party? - Lets kick off our Holiday Exchange with Traditions:
I have many times been accused of being a tradition and celebration junkie - Yes, I plead guilty to the charge of enjoying the fun of creating celebrations with my family.
The celebrations have only just begun here in our home from counting down the days until Christmas to decorating our home. One of our family favorites is Family movie night - A night when we all stay home eat dinner together and then pile onto our couch to watch either a new movie or a family favorite Christmas movie from years past and of course I create a fun buffet of treats including popcorn, candy and home baked goodies to enjoy while watching the movie together.
This year I found a new treat to serve during our Family movie night from The
What about your family - What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? Have any of those been passed down for generations? How about ideas for creating new family traditions?
Ready to WIN a family MOVIE night pack?
WIN: The Nestle Family holiday movie night package, includes “A Christmas Story” Collector’s Edition DVD, 3-flavor pack of OVALTINE, RAISINETS, a family size dinner from STOUFFER’S and DREYER’S/EDY’S cups.
Enter for your chance to win:
1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address and your favorite family tradition.
2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address and your favorite family tradition.
US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on December 19, 2010.
Giveaway Sponsored by: STOUFFER’S®, OVALTINE®, RAISINETS® EDY’S®/ DREYER’SUS entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on December 19, 2010.
*This is a sponsored post from Nestle. The opinions in this post are entirely my own. This post has not been reviewed or edited by anyone.
Labels: Celebrations, Christmas, Giveaways
I'm a subscriber! Our favorite familly tradition is putting the tree up as a family and watching The Polar Express on Christmas Eve.
i'm a subscriber...
im a subscriber
24/7 moms email subscriber
Such a great family night prize!!! YAY!
I'm already a subscriber brownatural@ gmail dot com
I'm already a subscriber! And love your emails! My favorite holiday traditions are going to Granny's on Christmas Eve and letting my kids play with all of my cousins kids like we did when we were small. It seems like only yesterday we done that!
I am a happy subscriber to your blog 24/7 moms!
I'm a subscriber. tlmills4 at comcast dot net
This is really my mom's tradition but I love it and hope she never stops. She buys or makes an ornament every year then attaches a small tag to it. She dates the tag and writes a summary of the year. Sometimes the notes are about world events like 9/11, inflation or gas lines in 70's and other times, notes about us kids (now all adults). It's wonderful to go back and read the tags and remember the past years highlights.
I'm a subscriber. Our favorite tradition is making homemade hot coca and cookie ornaments!
I subscribe via email.
Thank you for the generous giveaway. I love the idea of family movie night with dinner included!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber and my favorite tradition for Christmas is my kids pick a night to go look at lights. We pick up pizza and hot chocolate and drive around lookin' at lights with the Christmas music cranked!!
I subscribe. Family tradition is to use special Christmas dishes. I have passed on my mother's to 1 of my sons and have new dishes of my own.
already a subscriber.
I am a current subscriber. Thank you
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
In my family are tradition is to eat fresh baked bread and ham christmas morning. After we eat we open presents and spend the day relaxing.
I am subscribed @ asha.marie@hotmail.com
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jkellertn at yahoo dot com
I am an Email subscriber
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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someluckydog at gmail dot com
i subscribe
I am a email subscriber an our family tradtion is when we put up the tree we let the little ones go first with non breakables an they fill the lower branches,we listen to music an watch Its A Wonderful life with lots of snacks an hot apple cider
I'm a subscriber
my favorite tradition is decorating the trees.
I am a subscriber morgan.joelyn@gmail.com
I live in Cleveland and love the movie...that sounds like a great prize!
I'm a subscriber! One of my favorite holiday traditions is our annual Baking Day! I get together with my mom, sister and my daughters and we bake tons of cookies all day so pass on to friends & family.
Already a subscriber
I am a email subscriber. We always go see our town's santa house. They decorate every year a new way, and there are reindeer to pet.
I am an email subscriber.
One of my favorite family traditions is making and eating cookies!
your1chef@ aol.com
I am an email subscriber.
ccrlund at gmail.com
One of Our familys tradition is going to Mass on Christmas eve, and then driving thru the neighborhood to look at the Christmas decorations/lights.
One of our family traditions is to go through each character of the real Christmas story each night starting a week before Christmas. This helps us focus on the real meaning of Christmas! I'm an e-mail subscriber.
I'm an email subscriber. Our extended family has been getting together for 23 years on Christmas Eve ... last year 43 of us showed up.
Im a subscriber. Thanks! mamatkins@hotmail.com
I am an e-mail subscriber
My favorite tradition is going to my parents early between 5-6 and opening our Santa gifts and see what Santa left everyone (kids, adults, ect..) and then have a huge family breakfast in our jammies. Even though my brother and I are both married and have kids of our own we still always participate in this tradition and the kids are so excited!
groach at yahoo
already email subscriber
EMAIL SUBSCRIBER kytah00@yahoo.com
I'm an email subscriber.
daivase at yahoo dot com
Our tradition is to sit down with my family at the dinner table with 12 different dishes.
I get the 24-7 moms emails
sadiebeery at hotmail dot com
We always go to the Festival of Lights and then come back for snacks and open one gift, which is always new pj's.
I am a subscriber. hallfamer@aol.com
I think our favorite holiday food tradition is definitely my peppermint pie. It would cause a mutiny if I didn't make it!
I'm a subscriber.
hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Our favorite NEW tradition since the children are all grown is to have our traditional dinner the day before and on Christmas Day we go out for Chinese food & to a movie. Then we come home & eat leftovers.
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Email subscriber, Thanks!
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
I am a email subscriber already
already a subscriber!
snakan0 at hotmail dot com
Just putting up the Christmas tree and remembering all the fun memories when we bring in the new year
I am a subscriber and our favorite thing to do is paint ornaments!
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Already a subscriber.
CWilli838 at aol dot com
e-mail subscriber
My favorite family tradition is to give a Christmas tree ornament each year to my children.
I am a subscriber
I'm a subscriber.
My favorite family tradition is driving around looking at lights.
bctripletmom at gmail dot com
I am a subscriber. One of my favorite Holiday tradtions is having a fun dinner on Christmas Eve, watching movies and opening a gift with my kids. We always have a lot of fun.
email subscriber and our favorite family tradition is popcorn/movie nights and waffle weekends.
I subscribe and my favorite tradition for Christmas is picking and chopping down our tree
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
i am a subscriber - favorite family tradition is making wassil - my husbands mother's recipe and she passed away when we were in high school - i have been with him since i was 14 and i try and carry on her traditions for my husband and his brothers and our kids
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
I'm a subscriber! amandasandico at yahoodotcom
Our favorite tradition is going downtown to ride the carousel
already email subscriber Favorite tradition is going to midnight service at Church with Family
I'm a subscriber. My favorite family tradition is getting the whole family together to make homemade raviolis for Christmas.
Email subscriber
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
We go caroling every year with a church group
erin.lenore7 at gmail dot com
my favorite tradition is looking at christmas lights in our town.
Subscriber. Our favorite tradition is eating baked french toast and opening our stockings in front of the fireplace.
Favorite Tradition is driving around the neighborhoods to see the lights.
Please enter me - I am a subscriber!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I am already a subscriber. We love to go look at the Christmas lights a week before Christmas. agent3547ataoldotcom
I am a Subscriber. My favorite family tradition is placing the lights and ornaments on the tree!
Already a subscriber! ! :)
We started baking cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. We always spend Christmas Eve with my husbands family and after all that fun, we head home and do some baking and decorating cookies!
mjcommets at embarqmail dot com
I'm a subscriber. pocolachristian@aol.com
Our favorite family tradition would be waking up early Christmas morning and running to the tree to see if Santa came :)
already a subscriber :)
I love that my kids open up new jammies every Christmas Eve
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
I'm a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber:)
our tradition is having christmas at our house with a nice dinner and making happy memories:)
Already a subscriber.
vinter at warwick dot net
Our favorite family tradition is the day we spend together first buying the "perfect" real tree, then coming home and decorating it while we have hot chocolate & homemade cookies and listen to Christmas songs. My most precious ornaments to put on our tree are all the handmade ones that my children made over the years.
I'm a subscriber. One of our traditions is that we decorate our tree while drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas cartoons. Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com
I am an email subscriber. Our family tradition is reading at least one Christmas book each night until Christmas. And each year the kids make new decorations for the tree.
danellejohns at gmail dot com
We have so many traditions! one is we have to eat cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning!
I subscribe, thanks!
contests and giveaways at gmail (dotcom)
I'm already a subscriber.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
My favorite family tradion
is watching holiday movies the day after Thanksgiving.
I am a subscriber and our favorite family tradtion is leaving cookies and milk out for Santa on Christmas Eve. Thanks for the chance!
e-mail subscriber
I am already a subscriber.
Our favorite tradition is baking cookies and watching "It's A Wonderful Life."
debrich6 @ centurytel dot net
already an email subscriber Ziggywag at Yahoo dot com
We like to take a drive around town looking at all the Christmas lights.
Already an e-mail subscriber
My favorite holiday tradition is our Christmas Eve dinner of 7 fishes.
Thanks for the giveaway.......
Happy Holidays!
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
I'm an email subscriber. Our fave family tradition is to have hot cocoa as we open gifts. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I subscribe via email. peanut[at]nyc.rr.com
Our favorite holiday tradition is making paper snowflakes for our Christmas tree. Much more festive than ornaments!
already a subscriber.
Favorite family tradition is baking cookies and decorating the christmas tree.
felicia.431 at gmail dot com
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