
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Even The Veggies Are Packing Shoe Boxes

STOP reading this and go grab your kids. It's time to WATCH the Veggie Tales pack their shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Now it's TIME to pack your own Shoe Boxes and watch your kids get excited about giving to another child who is in need.

It's Fun and It's simple - all you have to do is pack your Operation Christmas Child boxes with a variety of items from toys to toiletries , print our your labels and find a drop off location near you. Click here for complete instructions on packing your Shoe boxes and drop off locations.

and if you have not heard yet about the BIG AMAZING contest going have GOT to check it out and enter TODAY.

WIN: A trip to deliver Shoe Boxes to Children: Operation Christmas Child is asking moms all across the country to submit videos sharing their own personal or family story of participating in Operation Christmas Child on ShoeTube.

ShoeTube is the Operation Christmas Child video submission contest website. Share your story there and inspire other shoe box packers in their participation in the world’s largest Christmas project.

This year, Samaritan’s Purse staff will choose three finalists, and supporters of Operation Christmas Child’s Facebook page will vote for their favorite video. The winner will travel with an Operation Christmas Child team in 2011 to distribute shoe box gifts to needy children.

Ready to submit your video first Click here to enter and be sure to read these guidelines.

All submissions need to be in by November 22, 2010

* Trisha Novotny is one of the 2010 OCC bloggers and s part of the blogger panel, I will travel with Operation Christmas Child to the California Processing Center to prepare shoe box gifts for overseas shipment

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