
Friday, October 8, 2010

Movie Review - Alpha And Omega 3D

Filmmakers Anthony Bell and Ben Gluck use screenwriter, Steve Moore’s imagined story about a road trip involving wolves as the premise for their latest 3D animation Alpha And Omega. Moore had been reading an article about a federal program designed to save the wolf population in the Idaho wilderness. Moore says, “They were capturing wolves up in Canada and releasing them in Idaho for mating purposes.” Moore’s imagination began to run wild with the thought of two wolves being caught but the mating thing was an unrealistic venture. Screenwriter, Christopher Denk helped Moore put together the fabulous script which, with ease, an accomplished cast would bring to life a magical world according to wolves. Lionsgate and Crest animation team up with the experts to produce an emotional loving story of animation adventure. The directors describe, “It is a “painterly” look that the audience has not seen before. They will feel like they are watching a moving canvas also using unique graphic wolf characters so that it is a world where people will say that it is amazingly beautiful and a place I would love to be”.

Kate (Hayden Panettiere) and Humphrey (Justin Long) are childhood friends who belong to a large wolf-pack residing in a Canadian national park. As they become of age to learn the trade of the wolf-pack, leadership responsibilities await them for which they need special training to fulfill their respective roles. Kate is sent to a special school to be trained as an alpha wolf – a strong, serious leader in charge of hunting and finding food for her pack. Humpfrey, an omega wolf, has the job to keep things in life fun. Hence, he is one of the light-hearted comedian’s of the pack. The time comes for the alpha and omega youngsters to find a significant other. Kate is pursued by a brainless stud with no impressive moonlight howl causing Kate to abruptly end their evening together escaping the clan to the nearby lake. Humpfrey is bemoaning the fact that he will never be able to be the wolf of Kate’s dreams. As fast as one can blink an eye, the two are shot with tranquilizers. The human huntsmen have drugged the two youngsters and whisked them to a U.S. national park in Idaho to populate the state with wolves. Awake from a drowsy spell, Kate and Humpfrey find a couple of feathered friends, Paddy (Eric Price) and Marcel (Larry Miller), who explain to them their new destiny. The news of their abduction and plan for their life could not have come at a worse time, especially for Kate. Paddy and Marcel clearly see that the two are the opposites that will not attract and understand their troubles within their own wolf pack. The fine-feathered comedic-duo agrees to escort Kate and Humpfrey back home. The journey they embark is a dangerous one; but, an adventure of a lifetime that ignite and uphold true love.

Karen Pecota

24/7 MOMS official film journalist

Released in local theaters: September 17, 2010

Movie rating: PG

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