
Sunday, October 10, 2010

MOM Question of the day : Last Book You Read

What was the last book you read? would you recommend it, why?

Click here to read what the moms on Facebook are saying about this question.


  1. I am reading Sarah's Key right now, it is a fiction book about the round up of the Jews in Paris in 1942. Good book. I have also recently finished the first two books in the Friday Night Knitting Club series.

  2. Sarah's Key is AMAZING! I just picked up her second one. I just finished Water for Elephants and it was very good, but a tad sad. I just started - and am having trouble putting down - the latest, brand new Ken Follett the name of which I can't remember but it is SOOOOO good!

    If you haven't read The Help, grab that, too. Excellent!
