
Friday, September 17, 2010

Notes from an autistic parent

by: Brandee Malcolm
Davenport Autism and Parenting Examiner

My child has come to you today he is not autism he is not special needs he is my son.

I want you to help him and encourage him and be there for him.

Try your best to understand that he does not think abstractly like you do.

Understand that I love this boy with my whole life in itself, Understand I want you to protect him to the best of your ability from children and adults who do not understand about autism.

Understand that my son struggles with socializing when things like that come to other children naturally.

Understand how hard it is for me to let go of his hand and send him on when all I really want to do is protect him always.

Understand that I have the same goals for my child as most parents do only I have to work harder to help him achieve his goals.

Please remember that my child is not bad because he is throwing a fit in a store or a restaurant, or that I am not a bad parent because he is doing these things, please understand that he is over stimulated and he is having a meltdown and is just better to let him work through it.

Please Don't criticize or judge for things you do not understand. Please My child has come to you today understand who he is and love him for who he is and not for who he isn't.

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