
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Are You Having One Of Those Mom Days?

Are you Having one of those days when you feel your home is a jungle, your kids are sucking all the oxygen out of you, maybe they are driving you absolutely crazy and your trying to convince yourself this momhood thing is really worth it.

Well moms pull out the tissue because my mom friend sent me this song that stooped me right in my crazy mom tracks, once again reminding me that my kids are growing up quickly and I will soon be wishing for these days. Today I'm back to saying I need to make every moment count with my kids, each day is a gift.

Trace Adkins - Then They Do


  1. I have many days where I am ready to spit nails and/or weep pitifully. It is hard, but I try to remind myself of the great times and that one day they will grow up and leave. My mom was always stressed and overwhelmed and now she is really missing having kids at home. I just need to find the balance so I can enjoy them more when they are around.

  2. Ok, more than ONE tissue. It's so true and a beautiful reminder that we need to live in the moment with our kids...
