
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dream It.....Go For it Period

Do you have a dream? A Passion?

Sometimes as moms we often place our dreams and passions on the shelf in the baby nursery saying "someday, one day I'll get back to that dream right now I'm rocking babies".

I believe God has given each of us His dream, His passion, His desires for our lives and it's up to us to go for it....Don't allow anyone to stop you from dreaming from pursuing that passion.

It's time take that dream off that shelf and allow your passion to grow in your heart. Decide today you will begin making a difference with that dream inside of you. Sure maybe you have to take small steps toward it but let's start stepping.

24/7 MOMS was once a dream I placed in a file - today it is a reality and much more then I had ever dreamed it would be. Dream GOD size and see what happens.

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