Portable Spice Kit For Travel or Camping
from the : Handy Hausfrau. Click here to visit this fun and creative site.
Today's DIY project at The Handy Hausfrau is a portable spice "rack."
We have a second home (a ski condo in the mountains) and I am constantly filling up Ziplock bags with various spices for cooking. Why don't I just leave the spices up there? you ask. We rent the condo out and on more than one occasion, I've searched for my crushed red pepper, only to find that a renter used the last of it on his pepperoni pizza slice. To solve my problem (and to be a little more kind to the environment), I created this Portable Spice Kit.
It's only 6 inches x 1.5 inches and it easily fits in any tote bag or suitcase that I'm lugging back and forth. It would be the perfect gift for the frequent traveler* or an outdoor lover who spends their time camping, but doesn't want to give up the luxuries of cooking with spices.
*I would check with the airlines to see if you can carry on spices. Not sure of the current regulations for powdery substances on flights.
To create this project, head to your local Walgreens, CVS or other drug store. I perused the racks until I found the section for the 7-Day Vitamin/Medication Containers. They had two sizes, and in my case the $2.99 (Large) size was perfect for what I needed.
Notice the little key in the upper right corner of the package? This indicates a locking mechanism - great for ensuring that your cayenne pepper doesn't end up popping open in your backpack - creating a week's worth of flourescent orange underwear.
When you open it up, you'll notice that each day's lid also has raised
Find your strongest pair of nail clippers and get to work clipping those dots off. Place the clippers as close to the surface as possible to remove as much of the raised plastic as you can.
This is what the lids will look like when you're finished. Don't worry about the scratches. Your labels will cover this right up.
Get our your straight-edge and Exacto knife and trim each label to size.
Cover each label with two generous coats of Mod Podge to seal the lids.
Allow it to dry thoroughly. (You can see that "Ginger," in the foreground, started to bubble after the Mod Podge was applied. Just push the bubbles down gently with your finger nail and reapply another coat of Mod Podge to remove any fingerprints.)
Here's a close-up of the final product after the Mod Podge is dry.
Pop open those lids and fill with your favorite spices. Each container is big enough to hold approximately 2 teaspoons of each spice. Not enough
Be sure to send me pictures of your final product at sara(at)thehandyhausfrau(dot)com.
Labels: DIY Moms, Parenting, Travel/Vacations
This is one of the most clever DIY projects that I have seen in a long time. I love it!
This little gadget would be great to stick in a basket for a shower gift for a bride who is a new cook - she could experiment to find her favorites - or to stick into a gift basket made for making breads, pizzas...etc.
There are so many uses for this!!
Thanks for sharing the step by step pictures and instructions!
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