
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WIN- Choose You Healthy Lifestyle gift bag

Choose You is a movement created by the American Cancer Society that encourages women to put their own health first in the fight against cancer. The movement challenges women to make healthier choices, and supports them in their commitment to eat right, get active, quit smoking and get regular health checks.

The Choose You Movement shines a light on a hidden issue: that while one in three American women will get cancer in her lifetime, about 50% of cancer deaths could be prevented if more emphasis were placed on early detection and healthier lifestyles including maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise and avoiding tobacco.

In the constant struggle between family, work and self, we know how difficult it is to focus on oneself. To help change this, American Cancer Society has developed the Choose You Commitment. Powered by stickK, this online program provides tools and support to enable women to commit to and achieve their personal health and wellness goals. Research shows that individuals who receive support in making positive choices are up to 5 times more likely to maintain healthy habits. The Choose You Commitment provides this support.

By making a Choose You Commitment today, you are helping to change the focus and make personal health a priority — and helping in the fight against cancer.

WIN: As a way to inspire women to take action and put their health first, 24/7 MOMS and the American Cancer Society are giving away one Choose You Healthy Lifestyle gift bags

Enter for your chance to win:

1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address and How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address and How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?.

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on July 4, 2010.

Enter your email address:

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*We received a complimentary Choose You Healthy Lifestyle gift bag from The American Cancer Society for review no financial compensation was received.


  1. My mom died from skin cancer, so I took note of that, and use sunscreen when outdoors at all times. I spent many years outdoors without sun protection, and it shows. I have turned my way of thinking and doing around, and try my best to protect my skin, drink plenty of water and try to eat organic foods as much as possible. Growing my own foods for my family and myself has helped us to get our daily requirements of vegetables. It's a good start for us. I subscribe to your email newsletter.

  2. I subscribe! What a great giveaway!!!

  3. I am a subscriber
    I love getting and cooking fresh veggies from the garden!

  4. I just

    I maintain a healthy lifestyle by not smoking or drinking alcohol, taking a multivitamin daily, avoiding soda and TRYING to control my weight. God frequently tricks me into exercising.

  5. email subscriber


  6. subscribe

  7. I am already a subscriber
    I maintain a healthy lifestyle by easting well drinking no caffeine staying in touch with friends and family and volunteering

  8. Email subscriber.

    I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, exercising, meditating, drinking lots of water and maintaining a positive outlook.


  9. I am an email subscriber I live healthy by eating salad everyday for lunch, exercising daily and increasing my fruit intake. I am feeling much better if I can stick to a schedule.

  10. e-mail subscriber

  11. I subscribe
    I exorcise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. I avoid smoking, drinking, and limit my consumption of processed foods.

  12. I subscribe!
    tracystandage at gmail dot com

  13. I am a subscriber of your fabulous blog! and the way I keep a healthier lifestyle is by eating fruits and veggies daily and going to zumba twice a week!

  14. Already subscribed to 24/7 MOMS by email -- I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by drinking lots of water, eating right, and walking :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  15. I am a subscriber and maintain a healthy lifestyle by following my doctor's orders and taking my medications. I have systemic lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

    thank you,


  16. I have reduced my soda drinking and switched to water

    email subscriber

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  17. Subscriber.

    bctripletmom at gmail dot com

  18. I try to make a point of drinking at least one whole glass of water as soon as I wake up in the morning to kickstart my day. I then try to drink a bottle of water over the course of every two hours during the day. I don't always succeed, but trying has increased my water intake greatly!
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  19. I am a email subscriber. I am losing weight, exercising when I can, and now that it is summer, I wear sunscreen.

  20. I'm an email subscriber.

    I walk at least 4 days a week.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  21. I'm a subscriber and I like to get outside with my kids and walk or play!
    winnieayala at yahoo dot com

  22. email subscriber
    aleksa91 hotmail
    We signed up for a weekly farmer's market basket. Fresh, inexpensive produce and it forces us to eat more fruits and veggies.

  23. I'm a subscriber, krobertsonnotar(at) I'd love to say that i do choose me but it's a constant struggle. I appreciate the American Cancer Society creating a campaign to remind us (me) to focus on our own health. I for one definitely need HELP!

    On the up side I don't smoke and I never have.

  24. I am a email subsriber
    an I limit the amount of direct sunlight I get outside an im drinking more water an less diet sodas

  25. I maintain a healthy lifestyle by drinking lots of water and cutting out soda and juices (empty calories) unless I make it myself. My favorite morning juice is carrot, apple and Ginger.
    I am also a subscriber.
    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  26. Subscriber

    Whole grains only, very little processed foods, limited white sugar:)

  27. we try to take walks in the evenings and drink lots of water

    I subscribe at contests and giveaways at gmail (dotcom)

  28. I subscribe. I'm careful about chemicals I use in my household and do a lot of organics, especially for my children.

  29. I subscribe!

    hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

  30. email

    I stay healthy by exercising.

  31. already an email subscriber Ziggywag at Yahoo dot com

    I try to eat less fat and less red meat.

  32. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods (e.g. fresh steamed spinach & a tomato salad for lunch today), drinking more water daily (I constantly have to remind myself to do this)and trying to "cope" with everyday stresses (don't we all have some of this) by remembering to breathe deeply with my eyes closed while focusing my mind to "see" a serene meadow filled with wildflowers dancing in the breeze. This last element really helps me at dentist or doctor visits. :-)

  33. I subscribe via email. I quit smoking a year ago and that's how I maintain a healthy lifestyle :)

  34. I'm a subscriber. I quit smoking over 4 1/2 years ago.

  35. i subscribe
    I like to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. I use eco-friendly products. I recycle.

    chantal cooper
    chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

  36. Daily walks and healthy eating.

    I'm already a subscriber.

  37. email subscriber

    we try to buy as much organic food as possible

  38. Already a subscriber

  39. cancer runs in my family so I am aware always. healthy life style includes protection from sun, exercize, lots of fruits and veggies, check ups every year, mamograms and paps, self breast exam, etc

    subscriber -

  40. I am an email subscriber. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by not drinking, eating right and walking for exercise. Thanks!
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  41. I am an email subscriber
    chelsreb at aol dot com

  42. already email subscriber, please enter me.

  43. I am already a subscriber and we pull the kids in the wagon for my hubby and I's daily walk. That is quite a workout.
