
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Graduation- Crossing the stage to a new journey

Yearbooks, prom dresses, graduation party hoping, cap and gown try on's and lots of hugs have all been part of the activities in our home over the past 10 days.

Today, our #1 daughter will cross the stage and receive her High School diploma. Has it hit me yet? have I had 5 minutes to shed a tear yet ? Honestly No. But, now as I sit and imagine what today will be like to hear my #1 Daughters name announced as a 2010 Gig Harbor High School graduate I know the tears will turn on and the memories of my little girl will fill my mind once again.

19 years ago she arrived into our world a beautiful pink bundle of joy and joy is what she has brought to our family.

I remember the day she decided to stand up and walk across the room as if she had been secretly practicing taking her first steps when we weren't looking.

I remember the Halloween she wanted to be Batman and as she entered her pre-school classroom and took her seat, I laughed as she sat their quietly not giving any hint as to who was really underneath that mask. My shy little girl trying to not draw attention to herself only made everyone more curious.

I remember the day daddy surprised her with a trip to the toy store to pick out her new 2 wheel bike. She arrived back into the neighborhood hanging out the window announcing with incredible excitement (screaming) to everyone that she got a new bike.

I remember the day in 3rd grade she sat on the stage reading the Book "I'll love you forever" to her entire school and their parents as I sat their crying knowing this was a huge accomplishment being that 6 months earlier I had wondered if she was ever going to read.

I remember the summer I went to Young Life camp with her as she meet the students for the first time who she would be attending middle school with that coming fall at her new school. I'm not sure who was more nervous.

I remember the day she walked into her high school a new journey ahead, new friends to make, new teachers to meet the 4 year adventure she would never forget was about to begin. But me the mom knew it was a 4 year process of learning to let go of my #1 daughter .

So, today as my #1 daughter crosses the stage and I hear "Shelbi Laine Novotny" announced I can promise you the tears will flow the memories will fill my head and the smile will cross my face as this proud mom realizes a new journey is about to begin both for Shelbi and myself.

I will have to let go even more, I will have to allow her the freedom to choose her path ahead, I will have to allow her to make mistakes and learn from them, I will have to remind myself over and over again that it is her time to fly, her time to discover, her time to become independent and I will have to learn the balance of giving advice and encouraging her on this new journey. I will have to daily give her over and over again to God as she follows the dreams and passions he has given her.

Today, I am thankful I have had the opportunity to be Shelbi Laine Novotny's mom and that 19 years ago God gave us this tiny little baby to raise and watch grow into the beautiful young lady she is today.

Congratulations Shebi Laine Novotny Class of 2010 YOU DID IT!


  1. Congratulations to both you and your daughter!

  2. You have me crying! lol Congrats to your daughter and her next journey! May it be magical!

    Charice A

  3. Congratulations to your daughter and to you! My oldest just graduated too. They grow up way too fast!

  4. When I was a new mom, everyone said how fast the time would go. I didn't believe them...but here my son is 4 in a blink of an eye and my daughter is 2. I am truly enjoying every day knowing one day I'll be in your shoes.

    Congrats to raising such a beautiful young woman! Blessings!

  5. When I was a new mom, everyone said how fast the time would go. I didn't believe them...but here my son is 4 in a blink of an eye and my daughter is 2. I am truly enjoying every day knowing one day I'll be in your shoes.

    Congrats to raising such a beautiful young woman! Blessings!

  6. So beautiful ,you have me crying !
    Congrats and my hat off to your daughter, Shebi!!
