
Friday, May 14, 2010

Summer FUN Reading Tips

by: Trisha Novotny
24/7 MOMS

- Read to your child: No matter what age they are children love to be read to. For school age children choose an age appropriate chapter book and have nightly readings together.

- Be an example: We are a role model to our children and when they see us engaged in reading we are setting the example of the importance of reading. Pick up a new summer reading book for your self and be the example to your child this summer.

- Reading Programs - Participate in one of the many FREE reading programs. Your kids can earn free books and prizes. Click here to see 24/7 MOMS list of 11 Reading programs.

- Library Cards For Kids - Take your children to the library this summer and apply for their own library card and begin showing them how to use the public libraries and allow them to check out a book or two.

- Book Bag - Create a summer book bag filled with age appropriate reading books, magazines etc. that you can take on the go. Use it while sitting and waiting at appointments, while traveling, while running errands etc.

- Reading games -
Provide your child with games and puzzles that encourage reading for example: PictionaryJr., Scrabble, Junior Trivia games, mad libs etc.

.- Theme Books - Obtain books about places you will be visiting this summer or activities your children will participate.
such as if they will be going fishing find an age appropriate book on fishing or if you will be visiting the Grand Canyon find a book on the Grand Canyon. Find books that interest them. Let them help in the decision making.

1 comment:

  1. Get article. After reading aloud to your child make sure to ask questions about the story which helps comprehension. For younger children, you might ask concrete questions such as "where is he going?" and for older kids more abstract questions such as "Why is he sad."

    Renee, author os
    Gold Mom's Choice Award Winner
