
Friday, May 7, 2010

Movie Review - Babies

Babies * * * *

It’s a new world for Babies outside of the mothers’ womb. Their day-to-day journey hits the silver screen up-close and personal, with the assistance of Focus Feature Pictures. Entertainment not to be missed!

Filmmakers Thomas Belmés and Alan Chabat present an insightful study of the human development within the first year of an infant’s life in Babies. Belmés and Chabat’s inspiring research along with their captivating cinematography follows the intricate daily life of four infants during their first year of life. Each infant resides in a different country around the world (Japan, Mongolia, Namibia, and USA) making their initial life experiences charming and engaging to any audience. What influence to culture dictates a child’s development during its first year of life? What similarities or differences naturally occur? What sounds and sights impact their world?

A baby’s first word or its first step or how it sleeps or what it eats endears many no matter what the nationality and those “firsts” will forever be recognized as a celebration to life. The four infants featured, in their respective surroundings, gives audience to the simplicity of human nature’s response to learning. It gives credence to how environment influences behavior that is unique to building individual character. The sequence of each film-frame in Babies builds upon the other in eloquent fashion to showcase the awesome miracle of life and human development in its true form—a celebration to life.

Karen Pecota

24/7 MOMS official film journalist

Released in local theaters: May 7, 2010

Movie rating: PG

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