
Sunday, April 4, 2010

In Him

by: Jeanie Cullip 24/7 MOMS Inspiration Editor

I began the Lenten journey this year with determination and very high hopes. I saw myself digging into the Word before the sun had risen each day, wearing a smile as I completed all of my household duties with joy and greeted each problem with grace. After all, it was Lent, and I was focusing all my energy on working out my relationship with my Jesus. With the whole armor of God consciously secured on, surely I would be more "successful” than on "normal" days.


(Deep down though I was wondering how I would be tested...)

The tests came and the world around me fell apart. Everything in my life has been turned upside down. Our family has been shaken. From the beginning to the very end of this journey. Each day trying to normalize our situation did not leave me looking or acting exactly angelic.

Three things that can really get me all discombobulated:

1. when my children are sick or hurt

2. when I am disorganized and unproductive.
3 when I feel I cannot fix everything

And because I was so tired and I did not want to get out of bed early I didn't begin my days as I should (preparing for my day physically, mentally and spiritually), I felt miserable and the effects of what was going on suddenly became a bit overwhelming. Yes, instead of focusing on the Lord, trusting in His timing and counting my blessings (though there have been so many!) I've been hopping from one miserable pity-party to another.

BUT no nothing is in vain. God is good and I'm thankful I can record one main lesson learned during this Lenten journey. God is not interested in my performance or my productivity. You see, I have been too hung up on what I can do for my family, my friends and even for God. Productivity in those areas always makes me happy and when my hands are tied, I invariably feel out of sorts. No, I should not draw my comfort, peace and joy from my performance in executing my duties or from my success in engaging in pleasurable activities. My comfort, peace and joy should come from what God has done for me in the finished work of Christ! When I'm honest with myself I wonder how God can actually love me! But He does. He drew me to Him so long ago and as I placed my faith in Jesus, He gave me new life. And today I need not replace my position in Him with what I think my position in life should be. God just loves me and I don't have to earn His approval. I don't have to perform. I don't have to be someone important. Even for Him. Nothing matters but that I'm letting Him transform me in the image of Christ.

So all the boxes are not all unpacked. Things around me could be more organized. I could be doing this or that .....

But hey, there is no need to agonize and lose sleep about these things.

As lent ends at this Easter weekend and as I reflect on this Lenten journey I am reminded of these words :

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew11:28-30

So yes, no worries.

Just peace, comfort and joy in Him and in His finished work on the Cross. And as I conclude this Lenten journey, and on this Wonderful Easter Day, I wish you and your families peace, comfort and joy in Him. And in Him only.

What tough lessons have you learned that we may be able to relate to or learn from? Please share and discuss here on the 24/7 MOMS Community Forum.

Blessings & Giggles to you & yours,

Stay- at- Home Mommy & Writer

Jeanie Cullip is a happily married, stay-at-home mom of 3 children of her own and 2 step-children. Finding joy, love & hope right in her own back yard and sharing it with her neighbors near and far. She is a freelance writer residing in Gig Harbor. Find out more on her website jeanie cullip, writer.

Image: Tom Curtis /

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