
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

MOM Tip - The Breakfast Plan

MOM Tip: Many of us create weekly or monthly dinner meal plans so that we can simplify what's for diner each night by having a plan. What about breakfast? are your morning crazy trying to get a team of kids out the door each morning? Are your kids eating the same thing morning after morning? This week I began making a weekly Breakfast meal plan. 5 Meals I can rotate or serve the same thing each week such as every Monday is Smoothie morning, Tuesday is pancakes Wednesday is egg day etc.

Take 10 minutes and create a Breakfast meal plan to simplify your mornings and give your self one less thing to think of each morning.

* Begin by creating a list of all the breakfast options your kids enjoy.


  1. Since my husband doesn't get home from work until 6:30 and my sons get ready for bed at 7:00 we hardly ever ate dinner together as a family. I decided to have family breakfasts. I try to set the table and do some prep work like cutting up fruit or assembling a quiche the night before. We get up at 6:00 and while the guys get ready for work and school, I make breakfast. Then we all eat together between 6:30 and 7:00 then my husband leaves for work, I get ready and my sons have time to play before school. It's been working great and has become a chance to connect before we go off to our busy days.

  2. What a great idea! We get stuck in a breakfast rut a lot.
