
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Marriage 101 - Love Your Husband Every Day

by: Trisha Novotny
24/7 MOMS

After 23 years of marriage I can assure you that I have not always liked my husband every day of our 23 year journey. But, I can assure you that I have always loved him every day. And that is really what matters that our love never ceases or wonders.

Marriage is not a noun; it's a verb, It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day - Barbara De Angelis

How do we strengthen our marriages and love our husbands every day?

Stop and think about all of the years you spent sitting in a classroom going to school to get your education. Did/ you even once have a class on how to do the Marriage thing? How to love your husband? how to survive the good times and the bad times? I sure didn't. So, unless you earned a degree in family and marriage counseling I'm guessing your like me un-educated in the marriage career.

How do we educate ourselves to understand what makes a marriage last, how do we equip our marriages to last?

1. Place priority on educating yourself on Marriage

2. Attend marriage conferences and seminars

3. Join a couples small group in your local church

4. Read Read Read .......every marriage book you can get your hands on.

How do you educate yourself to make your marriage last?

1 comment:

  1. You are so incredibly fortunate to have 23 years! Mine lasted much less, as did my parents'.
