
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ten in 2010 For Families

There is still time to make your New Years resolutions - Make a difference in 2010 with ten resolutions that will make a difference in our families lives.

Ten Resolutions For Parents

from: (

1. Come together for a family meal as many times a week as possible. Let the answering machine do its job and make sure the TV is off.

2. Notice the small steps and the good efforts your child makes. Don’t overvalue the final product, which can serve to discourage a child from trying.

3. Apply this same generous attitude toward yourself and other family members.

4. Avoid asking too many questions. Questions often make children feel quizzed, attacked and/or invaded. Make statements and observations instead.

5. Listen carefully to your children. Try to understand where they are coming from – what are their wishes and concerns – and how it is that they see a situation.

6. Be clear in your own mind what your expectations are. Then let children know clearly and calmly, in advance whenever possible, what these expectations are.

7. Promote laughter with your child. Have fun and good times in the family. Cultivate your own sense of humor.

8. Pay attention to each other. FOCUS. Listen with both ears and let your children know when you can’t listen or pay attention to them.

9. Beware of over scheduling and filling every minute with “productive” activity. Create blocks of time for just hanging out and being there. These are the times that children will remember with fondness.

10. Make time for the things that give YOU pleasure – that nurture and nourish you mentally, physically and emotionally. Your well-being is crucial to your family.

1 comment:

  1. Love your ideas here, I will be making a note of them all! I will be sure to pass some of them on to the moms I coach and who participate in my teleseminars too! Information is always helpful and suggestions are wonderful. Thanks for helping Busy Moms get a grip and stay sane. Happy New Year!
