
Monday, January 4, 2010

One Dozen Ways to spend Time With Your Daughter.

by: Trisha Novotny
24/7 MOMS Founder

When my children were little I would often run in to a more experienced mom who was always quick to tell me to enjoy this time with my children and that the years would go by quickly. I used to think they had forgotten what it was like to be in the trenches of motherhood but with 5 children and one already in College I have to say they were RIGHT. The years have and are flying by quickly. Daily I remind myself of this and look for opportunities to connect with my children.

Currently my Daughters are in their teen years which causes me to always be on the hunt for ways to spend time with them that they will enjoy and say YES to.

Here is my list of one dozen ways to spend time with your daughter.

1. Shopping - What teen girl doesn't love a shopping trip? My girls and I enjoy going shopping especially when we make a plan for an all day trip to a mall or city that we don't get to shop in on a regular basis. We have done both day shopping trips as well as over night ones where we stay at a hotel and eat our meals out. The great part about going shopping in a location farther away from your home is you also get time in the car to connect and chat.

2. Spa Time - We all love a little pampering, So, my girls and I have made it a tradition that each summer when school gets out we make an appointment to get pedicures in celebration of summer and flip flop season. Teen girls enjoy spa treatments and what a great way to connect with your daughter while being pampered.

3. Make-overs - Our local department stores offer various events during the year to introduce new lines of make-up. These events are are either free or charge a small fee that can then be applied to your make-up purchase. In the past my girls and I have attended ones at Nordstroms that usually include food and mini spa treatments. Call your local department stores and ask about any upcoming events in their make-up department.

4. Teen Conferences - I have taken my girls to several conferences designed for them. These conferences inspire them in their walk with God as well as encouragement as a teenager today in areas of boys , friendships and even their relationships with parents. Two of my favorite Teen girl conferences are the Revolve Tour and the You and Your Girl Conference ( for moms and daughters).

5. Projects - Does your daughter enjoy craft projects or scrap booking? Over the years we have done various projects together from making crafts to hosting girl craft days or going to the local pottery painting studio and creating art together. Participate in an area that interest your daughter and enjoy the time together.

6. Cooking - My daughter Savannah especially enjoys cooking and baking so we have made it a tradition to bake cookies for Christmas and Valentines day together. Cooking and baking together not only give you time together in the kitchen but you are also teaching them skills for the future.

7. Theatre Fun- Both of my girls enjoy going to Broadway shows, the movie theatre and concerts. These events are fun surprise for your daughters, make great bonding and memories of the time you spend together.

8. Coffee Appointments - Coffee isn't just for adults teens love to hang out in coffee shops so why not treat you daughter to a coffee appointment with mom for a time of catching up on her life and taking time t listen to her. You might be surprised what she will share over a cup of coffee.

9. Dinning Out - Taking my daughters out to lunch or dinner is always a fun experience, fancy or casual the time together is what is important.

10. Girl Trips - Over the years I have surprised my daughters with Girl only trips. This last fall we flew to New York and spent 5 days site seeing and attending Broadway shows. What amazing memories we made and a great bonding time. Your trips don't need to be elaborate they can be over night trips to another city that interest her or to the mountains for a day of skiing or hiking. What interest her?

11. Group Fun - Do you have Mom friends who also have teen daughters? plan a mother daughter time together anything from shopping to an over night trip. I always appreciate the influence other moms can also have on my teen daughter's. So, not only will you have fun but you will also give opportunity for your daughters to be influenced by other MOMS you respect as mentors to your daughters.

12. Join them - Find opportunities to be a part of their world and join them. Are they volunteering for a community project ? Do they need help on a school project? Are they involved in a church youth group or Young life program that needs adult help? What about their schools? Is there an area you can volunteer and show your support to your daughters?

Some areas I have found to be involved with my teen daughters is volunteering as a young life leader, volunteering to chaperon their school dances, helping them on big school projects when asked. The key here is to pay attention to the ASK are they wanting you to be involved? don't intrude in to their space but find out how you can be apart of their world in ways they are OK with.

Our mom days may seem long but our years are short - Make every moment count as a mom - Take Time this week for your Teens.

How do you spend time with your teenagers?


  1. This is a great article! I have an 18-month old baby girl and I can't wait to enjoy some of the activities you have mentioned. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Great suggestions, Trisha. Here's another idea: find an activity to do together. My daughter and I took a modern dance class together (laughs). We also play volleyball together in a summer league and are looking for a yoga class to take together. Shared activities make exercise more fun and provide a positive example for your daughter's body image.
