
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mom Books Are Boring - Really?

On New Years eve my husband and I took our two youngest boys out on a date night, which included a visit to Borders and Books to spend the gift cards they had received for Christmas.

We wondered the aisles and carefully made our choices. I choose The Christmas Book -How to have the best Christmas ever. This book is filled with fun Christmas celebration ideas from all over the world. I realize Christmas is over but I love traditions and thought I just might discover a few new ones in this book for the future.

A few days later back on the home front, Nate walked into the kitchen while I was cooking dinner and announces that my books are boring. I inquired why?

His responses was:
"You know that everything Christmas book you bought? well, it tells you stuff like how to buy a Christmas tree and I don't have any idea why you would want to read books like that. It's boring

Why was my 8 year old reading my book? This could be a potential problem. He might discover that my tricks of the trade are all from books that I'm really not the creative mom he thinks I am. He might also discover that I often get my rules (advice) for parenting him straight out of one of these so called boring books. Time to hide all of my Dr. Dobson parenting books.

However, I think I'm safe because in Nates opinion my MOM books are boring.

What is your MUST read boring MOM book?

24/7 MOMS is creating the 2010 MOM Must read books - submit your favorite mom book to us at

1 comment:

  1. My MUST have book is:

    Sarah Ban Breathnach's Two Volume Set: Simple Abundace, a Daybook of Comfort and Joy

    It is a daily reminder of who YOU are. Many times as mothers we lose track of ourselves and we need a reminder.

    *Take a bath once a week... bubbles, chocolate, a good book.

    *Experience honey, there are over 300+ types in the US alone.

    *How to make the perfect cup of hot cocoa... just for you.

    Experience life as YOU... Your kids will appreciate getting to know the woman beyond that.
