
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting Organized, Frugal Style

Amy Hannold,

You can buy expensive “Get-Organized” tools, however the benefit of creating your own from common office products saves you money – and you get to customize what works best for you.

Here is One Example

Everyday Spiral Notebook – Five Uses to Save You Time, Clutter and Money:

They can be bought for a dime during the back to school season – but if you didn’t stock up then, they can be purchased for less than two dollars. Here’s how they can become your best friend:

1. Telephone Record Book: No matter how many people you have at your home that take messages, ask them to write the numbers down in this one place. Reason number two this is efficient? Think of the last time you called a company. What’s the first question they ask you? “Who did you talk to?”, right? Now, you’ll know. Organizing Tip: Date these books on the cover and file them when full for later reference.

2. Children’s’ Back Seat Notebook: Gone will be the days of drawing paper everywhere. Give each kid a notebook, with their name (have one custom printed for cheap at and this is their place to draw or write away in the car. Your kids will also have something to carry with them to draw in (buy a purse size notebook for at-the-ready entertainment). When they’ve filled the pages with their creations, you have something to send to Grandmas – or file away as a memento of their creative work.

3. Home Project Central: Remodeling? Keep all of your home repair notes in one place – this will save you a ton of otherwise “find and replace” information nightmares. Use a spiral notebook for all those “torn-from-magazine” ideas, “to do’s”, phone calls and inspirations. Store it in a handy place for your home improvement projects—and progress.

4. Vacation “One Place” Book: Use one notebook as you complete your vacation planning. Staple in your printed confirmations and brochures. You’ll have one neat, tidy notebook to toss into your travel bag – and the rested assurance that you know where you’re going – and how to contact someone should something go awry along the way.

5. Journal, for Every Idea and Inspiration: What’s better than giving yourself a place to write on and on….go ahead and draw too! File these away when full. When you’re ready to take on that goal, finish that artwork, or write that story – you know where to look for your initial ideas. If you don’t plan to keep all of your ideas together, choose a notebook with detachable pages. You can then separate any lists and letters from your everyday entries.

We’d love to hear what ideas you have for getting organized, with notebooks or with other tools!

Share with us what keeps your day running smoothly!


  1. Last August, when Staples had spiral notebooks on sale for a penny, I bought six of them (the limit). I use them for making lists of blog posts, grocery lists, notes to leave for the kids, and for drawing paper for my four year old.

  2. Writing things down is a wonderful way to get on the road toward better organization. Too little attention is paid to the process of organization because the tools are so fun. The most or least expensive tools will not work without a process to use them.
