
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years Eve Kid Fun

Ready to ring in a New Year?

My kids love the excitement of New Years eve, mostly because we allow them to stay up until midnight and enjoy the annual neighborhood party with all of their friends.

What are you planning this New Years eve with your kids? 24/7 MOMS has compiled some fun ideas for you to create Family Fun this New Years eve as we leave 2009 and enter 2010.

Party Fun:
Creative Fun - Have craft station where kids can decorate and create their own party hats and noise makers. Provide hats and items to embellish them with, provide bottles filled with beans then allow kids to decorate with stickers and paper cut outs to create their own noise makers.

Pinate' - Purchase a pinate' or make your own by using a large gift bag that you decorate wit New Years pictures/cut-outs, stickers and curling ribbon, fill and seal the top and hang by it's handles. Fill with small toys and candy.

Clock Hunt - Have an adult or teenager hide a ticking clock/timer. After the clock is hidden, send the kids off to find it. For additional fun, set the clock's alarm to go off in five to ten minutes. If the children don't find the clock—the alarm will go off giving them a clue as to where it is hidden

Party Favors:

Party Crackers - DIY and Make your own party crackers.
You can make your own by filling cardboard TP rolls with small prizes and candy. Then wrap with wrapping paper and tie the ends. They can also be purchased in party stores.

Confetti Balloons -
Have the kids punch paper circles out of brightly colored construction paper with a hole puncher to make their own confetti. (or use store-bought confetti.) Put as many confetti pieces as possible into each deflated balloon using a funnel. Blow up the balloons and hang them in reach of the children. A few moments before midnight ( or time you are celebrating), hand out the pins. Then when the clock strikes let the kids pop the balloons and let the confetti fly.

Party poppers - (little plastic bottle) - You can purchase these at Target and I have even seen them at grocery stores.

Family Traditions:
Family Slumber party - Everyone camps out together in your family room or bonus room. Allow your kids to make tents and forts to sleep in. OR have a kids only slumber party ( mom and dad get to sleep in their own beds).

Time Capsule - Make a family time capsule. Use a paint can or other empty container. Fill with items from the past year, pictures, newspaper articles, grocery ad, TV schedule, event tickets and written memories and stories from family members about the past year. Bury it or place in your attic to pull out in 5 to 10 years.

Kid Celebration - Celebrate the New year with your children earlier in the evening and set a particular time to welcome in the new Year such as 8:00 or 9:00 then put them to bed so the adults can celebrate kid free.

Special Foods - Choose a desert or main course that become your yearly tradition to eat on New Years eve with your family. It could be anything form Take -out to something you cook at home. Or as simple as serving Sparkling cider.

Family Letter - Write a combined letter with each family members input with memories, stories and thoughts about the year. Seal in an envelope writing the current year on it and put in a safe place to open 5 to 10 years from now.

First Nights - Attend a community First Night event in your area. Google search for local information on your community celebrations.

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