
Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 4 - 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways From World Vision

Each year my children receive more gifts then needed. But, the one gift they receive each year that is needed comes from their Grandparents. Each year my children receive a World Vision gift card in the mail announcing to them what gift was purchased for a family in a third world country in their name. It allows for my children to be a part of helping another family who is in need. It also creates great conversation about the needs of others and how our wants are just that wants not needs.

World Vision’s Gift Catalog Makes Holiday Gift Giving Dollars Go Farther

Shoppers Improve the Lives of Children Through Affordable World Vision Gifts

World Vision’s Gift Catalog offers an economical way to remember those on your holiday shopping list. A gift given from the Gift Catalog significantly improves the life of a child or family in need by providing tools and opportunities to overcome extreme poverty, while at the same time honoring your friends and loved ones.

If you're looking for great, inexpensive gifts ($50 or less):
• $16 buys two soccer or basketballs for a child
• $17 buys improved hybrid or drought-resistant seeds for a nourishing harvest and income
• $18 buys enough bed nets to protect an entire family from malaria
• $25 provides $350 worth of school supplies in the U.S.
• $25 buys two chickens to provide a lasting source of nutrition and income for a family
• $40 will purchase a Family fishing kit to help an impoverished family put food on their own table.

More costly items include:
• $270 for a sewing machine for a woman or girl in Zambia, Ghana or Ecuador who will make a living as a seamstress
• $75-$500 buys live changing animals for a single mother. A cow, goat, pig or chickens helps a single mother generate income from the sale of milk, eggs, animals’ offspring to help her provide for her children
• $2,600 to provide a traditional well that provides safe water for up to 150 people in countries like Malawi.

The World Vision Gift Catalog features more than 100 items (many under $35). For each World Vision gift, the giver makes the purchase in the name of a friend, family member, or business associate. World Vision then sends special cards to those individuals, describing the gifts and their impact. In the following year, the gift itself or intervention reaches the child or family in need. All items are tax-deductible.

First published in 1996, the World Vision Gift Catalog last year raised $23 million and helped more than 500,000 people. This year the organization seeks to raise a record-breaking $25 million through the World Vision Gift Catalog to help provide impoverished communities with much-needed resources like water, livestock, medicine, and agriculture – assistance that could change the lives of nearly 625,000 people.

Beginning November 19, World Vision's Gift Catalog will head around the world to find out the true meaning of Christmas. Follow them online at:

Campaign website:

WIN - 24/7 MOMS and World Vision are giving away one free gift of either Thai bracelet, Thai necklace or Ugandan bracelet ( depending availability at time)

Enter for your chance to win:

Stop by the World Vision web site, come back and tell me the gift you hope someone will purchase in your name this holiday season to help another family. then complete the steps below to enter for your chance to WIN.

1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address and favorite Gift.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address
and favorite Gift.

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on December 13th, 2009.

Enter your email address:

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  1. Hope for Sexually Exploited Girls - the idea that this goes on breaks my heart so this would be the gift I would want.. especially having 2 young daughters myself.

    Subscriber ~

  2. I would like someone to purchase a goat and two chickens in my name ....seems fitting of me!


  3. i hope someone purchases a goat and 2 chickens in my name this christmas. i am a subscriber.

  4. I love the fact that I can buy a gift for 35.00 , Provide $490 Worth of Clothing
    I love that someone will have clothes and I also love buying a goat or chickens for a family!
    I am a subscriber

  5. I wish someone would give the gift of a new mother and baby kit in my name. I am a subscriber.

  6. I subscribe to your email feeds. brownatural at gmail dot com

  7. I would love for someone to purchase $100 to buy a Goat and 2 Chickens to nourish a family. Thank you for the giveaway, where World Vision is helping people out around the world.

  8. Thank you, I would not like to post about the bracelet, but about how I can help.
    Thank you!
    Happy Holiday's

  9. I'm already a subscriber.
    I would like someone to choose the sheep as a gift.

  10. Being an educator I would love to have the Gift of Education given in my name.
    I subscribe.

  11. i think a sheep would be good.

  12. I would love if someone donated to the Clean water fund for me. I subscribe

    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  13. I hope someone purchases;$350 Worth of Necessities in the USA for kids in the USA,there are so many here who need help

    I am a email subscriber

  14. I'd like the sheep purchase
    I subscribe

    tiramisu392 (at)

  15. I hope someone purchases two chicks in my name to give to a needy family.
    yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

  16. I wish someone would purchase $350 Worth of Necessities in the USA in my name.

  17. I am a subscriber and I like the Job Training for Girls and Women

  18. what I wonderful site I would love for someone to purchase the Share of a Deep Well for me

  19. forgot to add I am a email subscriber

  20. A subscriber already. Sheep gift in my name.

  21. I am a subscriber
    The purchase of the chicks looks to the future.

  22. I'd like someone to donate $350 Worth of Necessities in the USA in my name. What a meaningful gift! I'm a subscriber.

  23. i am subscribed. my fave gift would be $25 to the clean water fund. thanks clallen at ntin dot net

  24. I'm a subscriber (khrysdoll at Maximum Impact Fund would be a great gift!

    momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

  25. I would love for someone to give a goat in my family's name. It is a gift that will give for years in milk and cheese.
    I am already a subscriber.

  26. I would like for someone to give a share of a deep well in my family's name. Clean water is an essential that the people need for their health, bathing, growing crops.

  27. I think the goat would be a wonderful gift. I've seen what a difference a goat can be for struggling families while stationed in Turkey some years back.

  28. The gift I would like someone to purchase is many bed nets for many families in African nations to protect them from malaria.
