
Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Day - Thankful Activities

Teaching Kids to be Thankful Activities:

Gratitude Journals
This year we will begin a new tradition of writing in our Gratitude Journal . My creative friend Valerie gave me the perfect journal that she dolled up.

She purchased journals at a local craft store. and then glued a simple tag the front that reads
"Thanksgiving Gratitude Journal". Inside she typed out instructions on Card stock and glued them to the first page.

The Instructions say: This Journal is for keeping our annual record of blessings and thanksgivngs we have enjoyed over the past year. May it serve as a reminder of all the great things God has done for each and every one of us. Just pass the journal around after dinner, or during dessert. Just make sure each and every guest shares their thanks. May God continue his blessings for years to come, until we meet again. Started Thanksgiving 2009.

Pick up an inexpensive simple journal and begin yours this year.

Candy Corn Thanks

Place several pieces of candy corn at each persons table setting….and during the meal they have to say something they are thankful for each piece of candy corn they have


Tell the story of the first Thanksgiving. explain how the Pilgrims experienced terrible famines, and even after they learned to plant crops from their Native American neighbors, they never forgot their hardships. To remind ourselves of all that we have to be thankful for, put three kernels of corn at each place at the table. pass around a small basket, and everyone puts their kernels in it and shares three things they are thankful for.

I am Thankful for you......

Cut out Leaves in fall colors and write on them " I am THANKFUL to God for you because…." Have Family members write the ending of this sentence for every person that will be at dinner. Then through out the meal these can be read aloud.

You can get a leaf template here

And to add to the last idea….cut out a big tree place it on the wall, and hang the Thankful leaves on it.

What a Turkey
From: Parents Magazine

Ask each child to write what she's thankful for on a paper feather, then stick it into this cute turkey centerpiece.

How to make it: Cut a 1-inch sliver off the bottom of a 9-inch polystyrene ball. Wrap sphere neatly in thick dark-brown yarn, covering surface completely; knot on bottom. Make a 4-inch ball from light-brown yarn and attach to body with a wooden craft stick. Create simple facial features using felt: white circles (approximately the size of a quarter, with 1/8-inch pom-poms for pupils) for eyes, yellow triangles for the beak, and long red felt teardrops as the wattle. Cut feather shapes from colored craft paper and bend in half lengthwise to create seam. Glue wooden craft stick to the bottom third of the feather and insert in a fan shape on turkey body.

Super Simple - Take time at the dinner table to go around and ask each guest to finish this sentence: "I am Thankful because…."

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Activities!

    I posted a link on my Blog.
