
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Questions - Questions - Questions

Are you in the middle of potty training? Having homework struggles? wondering how to get that picky eater to eat? Should your child carry a cell phone and at what age? How many activities should one child be allowed to be part of? When are my kids old enough for sleep overs?

Ready or not you were handed a little person and sent on your way to raise them with out a manual. Only to have 100's of questions along the journey. I know, I have had more questions, concerns and fears then I ever thought possible in my mom journey.

We at 24/7 MOMS want to her your Mom questions and concerns in your mom journey.

Leave a comment and share your mom questions and concerns for an upcoming 24/7 MOMS live web show. Let's travel the MOM journey together.

We will NOT share your name on the Live web show.....

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