
Thursday, October 1, 2009

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). Since the program began in 1985, mammography rates have more than doubled for women age 50 and older and breast cancer deaths have declined.

This is exciting progress, but there are still women who do not take advantage of early detection at all and others who do not get screening mammograms and clinical breast exams at regular intervals.

· Women age 65 and older are less likely to get mammograms than younger women, even though breast cancer risk increases with age.
· Hispanic women have fewer mammograms than Caucasian women and African American women.
· Women below poverty level are less likely than women at higher incomes to have had a mammogram within the past two years.
· Mammography use has increased for all groups except American Indians and Alaska Natives.

For more information about NBCAM, please visit For additional information, please call one of the following toll-free numbers: American Cancer Society,
(800) 227-2345, National Cancer Institute (NCI), (800) 4-CANCER, Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization, (800) 221-2141.

The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month program is dedicated to increasing public knowledge about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Fifteen national public service organizations, professional associations, and government agencies comprise the Board of Sponsors, who work together to ensure that the NBCAM message is heard by thousands of women and their families.

Energizer will be donating $1 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure for every new Facebook Fan, up to $10,000. Become a fan of the Energizer Bunny at


  1. Thanks for this very informative post on this. Our Company also contributes to this.

  2. This month always brings a tear to my eye...

  3. We can fight this! It makes me so hopeful in October when so many designers and companies join the fight against breast cancer! (an online lifestyle magazine) just did an awesome segment on the Weekend Today show featuring only pink products that donate proceeds to breast cancer awareness. Here's the link to check out the products (and enter to win them!)
    Let's keep the fight going strong!
