
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thrifty Cleaning Series

How to Clean With Less Chemicals, Spending Less Money
Amy Hannold,
Making a transition from purchased cleaning products to more affordable, less toxic options is possible. Keep in mind that homemade versions may not work as well as the commercially packaged products, and you must know what you’re using – and how it mixes with what you’re cleaning. Begin your changes slowly, investigating the possibilities and trying your new mixes with an experimenting-spirit. As you become more versed in using homemade cleaning solutions, you will very likely save time, avoid common toxins and spend less money.

When researching this topic, the other tips I found repeated often were:
*Purchase new spray bottles and other sealable containers for your homemade cleaning mixes.
*Label the cleaning solutions clearly, and keep a notebook (or file) of your successful recipes so that you can duplicate them easily later.
*Maintain the same baby-proofing precautions with your homemade cleaning solutions as you would with commercial products.
*Essential oils and other ingredients may become as costly as commercial concoctions. Work with your friends to purchase them in bulk together or at least share when possible.
Baking soda, as you may have heard, is not just for baking. As a kid, my mom always had us dip our toothbrushes in baking soda, now they have made Arm n Hammer baking soda toothpaste. I guess Mom had the right idea! Many products, following the trend of frugal and more natural cleaning, are boasting that they contain baking soda. Baking soda is very affordable and can cut many costs of maintaining your home. Make-Stuff. Com has a list of “Sixty Uses For Baking Soda”:
Vinegar is another more affordable product to use for your homemaking needs. It’s not just for pickles, anymore! As you’re gathering in fall apples, did you know vinegar will help deter the fruit flies? Mixed with other common ingredients such as olive oil and lemon juice, you can freshen up your home. Here is a list of “Vinegar Tips”:
Salt, I read is another wonder-product which can do more than season – it can clean, freshen and solve several kitchen conundrums. Now, take it “with a grain of salt” (Trial and error is the spirit), but here are “Sixty Uses for Table Salt”, by (check out their long list of healthy recipes too!):

Housework won't kill you, but then again, why take the chance!
--Phyllis Diller

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these information to us! Vinegar has also been my savior whenever fruit flies are attacking my fruits and it has also been the cure for -fresh-from-factory smell of plastic cabinets.
