
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Inspiration to get me through my hectic day

Each morning I turn on my computer, click get mail and it arrives. My daily inspiration/devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministry.

If you are like me and need a bit of inspiration to get you through your hectic day? Proverbs 31 daily devotions offer today's busy women/moms encouragement as they seek to draw closer to the heart of God.

Through "Encouragement for Today," you will be inspired as you read these encouraging daily devotions.

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Here is an example of what will arrive daily to your in-box.

A Financially-Productive Woman
25 Sep 2009
Glynnis Whitwer

"She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes." Proverbs 31:24 (NIV)

In today's economy, I look for every way to save money. I'm a sale-shopping, coupon-clipping, leftover-loving woman. I'm a firm believer in Benjamin Franklin's well-known adage, "A penny saved is a penny earned." And this past couple of years, my family has certainly had to apply that to our lives in greater measure.

Sometimes, however, saving money just isn't enough. As many families face a reduced income due to layoffs and company closures, there are only so many ways to cut corners. So I'm also a believer in trying to make money in creative ways. As many of us wonder what the future holds financially, I'd like to suggest we look at a biblical example of how to use the resources we have within our homes to increase our families' incomes.

One of the best examples I know is found in Proverbs 31. Throughout chapter 31 we meet a woman who was a good manager of all her resources, and in verse 24, we learn that she used her weaving skills to make money. As I consider this women's ingenuity, I learn that she identified a need (merchants needed sashes) and then used her skills (making garments) and energy (selling them) to increase her family's financial well being.

I wonder if many of us overlook this principle as we face a financially shaky future with dread. Perhaps we don't need to look for an employer that is hiring, but instead should consider how to use the resources God has already given us. On a recent trip, I met a wonderful example of a woman doing just that. She is past retirement age, lives alone and wanted to bring in extra income. Since I'm a small business owner, our commonalities got us talking.

This productive woman buys used wool sweaters, shrinks them and sews them into designer mittens using other fabrics and decorative accents. Then she sells them in a local shop where she has a booth. That's not all she sells. She has added hand-made products made by women working at home in other countries, plus some unique new clothing items she buys and resells. It all started with a creative idea, the use of her talents and some energy to sell them.

Artistic talents aren't the only resource we have to help our families. Many people have other skills that can be used to increase incomes. Some examples are physical strength, athletic training, organization, planning, love of travel, cooking, gardening and cleaning. Many have families that can help. This past summer I watched a local landscaper work every week with his two sons by his side. They are a family pulling together when it counts most.

No one wishes for hard financial times – though we can learn much in them. When God is on our side, there are always opportunities waiting to be uncovered. Instead of dreading the future, perhaps God wants to tap into the unique resources He has planted within our lives and family for such a time as this.

Dear Lord, I thank You today for the many resources You have given me. Thank You for my life, for my mind, for what health I have and for the hope you offer. Please help me to see how I might use these resources to become more financially productive. Only You know the true depth of my needs. So today I ask for Your help. I know I can do all things through You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Work@Home: A Practical Guide for Women Who Want to Work from Home by Glynnis Whitwer

Learning to Live Financially Free by Marybeth and Curt Whalen

Visit Glynnis' blog to read suggestions for home-based businesses you can start with little money.

Application Steps:
If you are in a place of financial need, take some time to evaluate all the resources you have. List five that could possibly be used to increase your financial health.

Reflections: God often uses our finances to teach us lessons. What have you learned about God as a result of a financially difficult time in your life?

What is one wise money management principle that you should apply to your life now?
Power Verses:
Matthew 25:21, "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'" (NIV)

Proverbs 21:5, "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." (NIV)

John 21:6, "And He said to them, 'Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch.' So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish." (NASB)

© 2009 by Glynnis Whitwer. All rights reserved.


  1. Just read your email with this posting and wanted to thank you for sharing your inspiration. I too have been in need of inspiration and have pondered working from home to help supplement my disability income. Uncertain because there are so many scams out there I've hesitated in getting started. Your post and your amazing prayer are just what I needed. I found myself praying aloud with you as I read it. Thank you again for being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  2. Thank you for sharing the news about our devotions and for printing mine. May God bless your ministry through your awesome blog!
    In His Love - Glynnis Whitwer
