
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shot Gone Bad

Are you a Needle Phobic MOM? I admit Ive been a needle phobic kid, teen, adult and now mom watch my " Shot Gone Bad" moment.


  1. OK that was funny and we will keep the WD40 on hand. Thanks for the info and glad you had a good trip.

  2. I 'bout spit my soda on the computer screen when you got to the part about running down the street. I'm sorry it happened to you and glad to know about WD-40!

  3. NO WAY!! I feel so bad for you...glad to know about the WD40...just got back from tent camping at Alder Lake for 6 nights where there was a yellow jacket nest in our site...thankfully no stings since we sprayed the nest and set up bee traps, but we did have Madi's Epi Pen ready.
