
Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Answer To Quaility Customer Service - Dave Carroll

I wish I had the ability to write and sing songs like Dave Carroll. Especially when I want to express my own dissatisfaction in the lack of customer service I have received when dealing with a company.

Such as :

When Forever 21 refused to sell my daughter the only sweater vest in her size because it was on the mannequin.

When JC Penny lacked crediting me for the shirts I was exchanging - yes, I paid twice for the same shirts.

When Verizon refuses to talk to me because I am not the Name on the account yet my husband doesn't even have a Verizon phone nor was he present when I opened the account for my children and I. ( I am the account manger on the account - but they neglect to see this)

When I place an order at a drive thru window and they get irritated because I want to look in the bag to be sure everything is there prior to pulling away from the window. After how many times I have pulled away only to have had to go back for the forgotten hamburger or fries.

When The pizza parlor places my pizza in the warmer while we sit for over 45 minutes waiting for our pizza that was already done when we arrived and paid for it ( I call ahead and order our pizza so it is ready when we arrive)

And the list goes on.

As a MOM I want to be a good example to my children when dealing with employees and customer service issues but sometimes this red headed MAMA has those days when she just gets fed up with the lack of customer first treatment and says “ Take me to your leader - I'm done talking with you and I'm sorry you can’t make decisions but I NEED someone who can”.

Today, I have decided I will no longer deal with the lack of customer service this way I will for now on say “I'm going call my good friend Dave Carroll and he will write and sing a song about you if you don’t give me quality customer service”. ( guess I better quickly make friends with him)

Seriously MOM how do we keep our cool and deal with the lack of customer service we receive as the paying customer? How do we remain a good example to our children? Do we always have to Bite our tongues, hold our breath , count to 3 ? Or should we just call Dave Carroll?


  1. In order to teach our children respect and doing things the right way we need to address "bad customer service" in a positive way.

    It also shows them that mommies are not push overs. :)

  2. This is one of my pet peeves. Good customer service is a lost art. Two things I do:

    1. I never let it go. like when a cashier at a grocer told me the store policy limits 3 coupons for the same product. I said "go get the manager" and held up the line on a matter of principle.

    2. I recognize good customer service. like when the young man at the local hardware store (not one of the big chains) was so patient with my 8 month pregnant and slow self and walked with me around the store fetching items off my list. I called his manager and gave him a glowing report.

    So, it terms of what I plan to teach my daughter...always stand up for yourself when you feel mistreated or when you think something isn't right AND don't just report grievances, but take time to praise someone for a job well done. :)

  3. Customer service dxefinitely isn't what it used to be.
