
Sunday, June 7, 2009

WIN - Parking Pal

When we are in the parking lot I always tell Carson to "hold onto his door" while I unlock the car. That works, sometimes! Wouldn't it be nice if there where something on my car that he would think was cool to keep his hand on? For use in parking lots, the Parking Pal™ magnetic hand is designed to help busy parents keep their child out of harm’s way while tending to other tasks.

Parents, grandparents, day-care providers, aunts, uncles, friends, or whoever is caring for a child can be easily distracted in
parking lots. Loading or unloading packages, rifling for keys, tending to the baby, or helping elderly parents can take precious attention away from our children, leaving them vulnerable to a number of dangerous situations. Other drivers can't see when they back up because the car next to them is too large or they're distracted by their cell phones, or blind spots make it easy for them to overlook small children who may be behind them. And children, well, they don't always do what they're told or stay where they should. It only takes one second for tragedy to strike.

Place the Parking Pal on the side of your vehicle, where it will remain safely attached at all times. It was specifically designed with bright colors, playful illustrations, and a small palm children love to place their hands on. After a couple learning sessions, your child will discover that the Parking Pal is their safe spot, and they will know where to go the second they are outside the car. It also helps teach them that parking lots are no place to play.

One mother
residing in Virginia began to think of ways to keep her kids focused so the chance of them bolting or wondering in parking lots would be eliminated. She created the Parking Pal and IT WORKED. Austin, her 5-year old, and Aiden, her 3-year old, love the Parking Pal. When getting out of or coming back to the vehicle they go directly to it, put their hand on it, fiddle around with it and chat with each other while she gets her youngest into his stroller or back into his car seat. Until all vehicles are equipped with back-up cameras and all until all drivers remember to pay careful attention in parking lots, this is a great aid in keeping your child safer.

Click here to purchase your own Parking Pal.

Review By : Tanya Peila
24/7 MOMS Project Manager

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Parking Pal are giving away One Parking Pal
. To enter for your chance to win, enter your name and email address in the box below and you will be signed up for today's giveaway as well as be added to the 24/7 MOMS E-list (if you are not already a 24/7 MOMS subscriber). Winner will be chosen on June 12th, 2009.

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