
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tip Talk - 10 Tips for Summer Learning fun.

Today's TIP TALK on 24/7 MOMS Live, we shared 10 TIPS to Keep kids Brains Engaged over the Summer.

Tip #1 - Engage their Hands - Practice handwriting/spelling with variety of tools- magna doodle, crayons, sidewalk chalk, paints, etc. Have them write and keep the grocery list or weekly menu.

Consider: Starting a journal, diary, or scrapbook: These types of activities encourage children to write, organize their thoughts, and spur creativity. You can start simply with a notebook and pencil. Or for more elaborate journals, craft stores often have a selection of scrapbook materials.

Tip #2 - Engage their Bodies - Create a scavenger hunt, such as look for something that starts with each letter of the alphabet. A scavenger hunt is a great way to focus children’s attention and encourage participation in a collaborative activity. A scavenger hunt can work indoors in a museum or outdoors in a park, and kids of all ages can be involved. Older children can even help prepare for the hunt.

Tip #3 - Engage with a $1-Dollar store - Purchase fun new work books, flashcards, magnetic letters and other learning tools.

Tip #4 - Engage their Eyes - Enroll your children in reading programs . Some may even reward the children with prizes.. Visit the library. Summer can be a great opportunity to encourage your children to read about topics of interest. If your child is into skateboarding, for example, go on a mission to find books about famous skateboarders. And while you’re at the library, take the opportunity to talk about biographies. Share favorite biographies that you’ve read of people whose lives have influenced you.

Don’t forget to set aside time each day to read: Read the morning newspaper with your children or find them a good book at the library. Reading keeps their minds active and engaged and ready to learn when they go back to school.

Tip #5 - Engage their Ears - Using stories on CD's in your car verses DVD’s so kids brains are having to imagine the story. Also playing classical music throughout the day helps develop the brain.

Tip # 6 - Engage the Family - Games/Family game night- use classic games that teach- Play Sudoku , Scrabble, Manacala, Monopoly, card games, Battle Ship, Memory, etc. with your children. These types of activities encourage children to think and solve problems.

Tip #7 - Engage within the Home - Kitchen classroom- cooking and baking- Plan dinner: Learning to cook will teach your kids to be self-sufficient and independent. Preparing meals requires math and reading skills.

Take them grocery shopping: Adding up the grocery bill helps your kids practice their math skills. Let them choose the fruits and vegetables to teach them how to make healthy choices.

Tip #8 - Engage the Outside World - Send your children to summer camps that engage their brains and interest. Space camp, acting camp, computer camp or vacation bible school.

Tip #9 - Engage the WEB - Check out safe, parent-approved Internet sites. There are many that offer a “summer camp” theme — a daily craft activity to do alone or with a parent each day, some brain teasers, awesome video streaming of important world events (volcanoes erupting, the Martin Luther King “I have a dream” speech”), and tons of grade-related math, reading and science work to be checked out in a fun.

Tip #10 - Engage their Interests - Collect stamps, coins, or other historical items: Encourage your children to start a collection that may spur their interest to research facts about their hobby. Start at the post office for stamps. Search through antique stores or your attic for collectibles.

Learning can occur in everyday moments with your Children.


  1. Those are great tips! Summer is such a great opportunity to reconnect with our kids!

  2. Love the $ Store idea. Great place for materials.

    My children (3 boys) love the e-learning site and we using it this summer to keep them academically focused as I want to prevent the "summer slide". The site is running a special - 3 months for $29.99. Good deal!
