
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Celebrating Motherhood Giveaway #22 - Birth to Five Book

Birth to Five Book
by Brenda Nixon

All the information needed for confident child rearing right from the start.

For a child’s newborn - infant years, Nixon covers the challenges of:

• How to soothe a baby’s separation anxiety

• Nursing and when to start solid foods

• Nurture a love for reading right from the start

• Instill self-esteem from birth.

During the toddler years, Nixon reveals how to:

• Effectively tackle “terrible twos” issues including tantrums and biting

• Break a tot from bottles and pacifiers

• Be effective and positive in discipline

• Father Facts: why dads matter and how to keep them involved in childcare.

During preschool and kindergarten years, Nixon answers:

• Why your child must play—and the best ways to encourage it

• How to handle fears, like monsters in the closet

• Can to teach your child to be grateful; not greedy

• Tips for school success

• What happens when grief strikes? How to guide your child through sad times


Plus, Nixon offers cost-cutting resources and creative tips EVERY parent will appreciate:

• 10 tips for stressless parenting

• A guide of age-appropriate gifts for kids from birth to five

• Creative crafts and tips for saving household costs.

The Birth to Five Book is available at bookstores and online.

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Author Brenda Nixon are giving away one copy of Birth to 5 Book to one Mom. To enter for your chance to win, enter your name and email address in the box below and you will be signed up for today's giveaway as well as be added to the 24/7 MOMS E-list (if you are not already a 24/7 MOMS subscriber). Winner will be chosen on May 16th using

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