
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Frugal Living - Treasures and Memories, Frugal Style

Treasures and Memories, Frugal Style

In her book, “Little Things Long Remembered; Making Your Children Feel Special Every Day”, Susan Newman, PhD, reminds us to stop and do the little things that communicate to our kids that they mean the world to us. She lists nine “Cardinal Rules” in her book, and what follows are hundreds of ways we as parents can make our children feel special. Think about the things you remember from your own childhood. What meant the most to you? Was it expensive gifts and new toys? Or was it the little notes in suitcases and home made birthdays? What is special about this book is that it details ideas for establishing ties in different increments of time, all the while reminding us that “the most precious time we spend, we spend with our children”. According to the author, “Childhood is an adventure to be joined by parents whenever possible.” The little things, says Newman, develop a sense of belonging, build character, and strengthen family ties.

A good friend of mine, Angel Almeyda, is an inspiration to making every day special. Angel shares her knowledge of frugal, healthy living and raising a family with us on her homeschooler blogger site.

Regarding the subject of making everyday special, Angel writes:

Mothers, I hope to inspire you to make every day special for your children. Just little gestures that make them see God's beauty in every day occurrences that make them feel special and loved. It will change your mindset as well!

I let my children drink milk out of fancy tea cups sometimes. I serve meals and snacks occasionally just for them on my best china, the set my great grandmother gave me that were hers. Children are more careful than you'd think when they see that they are given the chance to use something special. And if they were to break I will remember my children and the memories I am making with them than with "stuff of this world".

It doesn't even have to be anything extraordinary. Rainbow sprinkles on their pancakes, a heart made of chocolate chips on their oatmeal. Bread made in a shaped mold. These things mean all the world to children. It is so fun to do these things for them and see their eyes light up!

Sometimes I need to be reminded to let them help. Yes, I could do it myself twice as fast and make 100 times less of a mess, but what memories would that be making? What skills would the children be learning? Is the beauty of the finished product more important that the confidence they have when they make something "themselves"? I learned today that my younger son is an expert potato peeler (which is great because I hate peeling), even though he peels the skins onto the floor. And, my oldest is great at chopping potatoes to put in the pot! Abigail is great at banging measuring cups against her high chair, and that is her favorite place to be when I'm cooking because then she is high enough to see the counter tops and see what I am doing!

I love to search for books at our library to find new recipes and decorating ideas to please my children, husband and any guests who may come into our home. I find lots of fun stuff that way. Mothering, homemaking and being a wife are all processes that involve constant learning, and I aim to improve every day!

You can read more homemaking, homeschooling, and scrumptious cooking ideas (it always smells SO good at her home!) on Angel’s blog:

“Treasures and Memories, Frugal Style” Giveaway:

Today's giveaway is "Little Things Long Remembered" book by: Susan Newman.

Learn how to build your child’s family ties and self-esteem in a minute or half an hour...on “sick” days and holidays...and over the weekend almost effortlessly. Everything you need to establish bonds and keep them strong in one small gift book.

Little Things Long Remembered is a parent’s source for 500 easy, no-mess suggestions that prove simple gestures develop into treasured memories of growing up and of you. This classic makes an ideal new baby or house gift.
From the Book:
- Create a “designer” kiss unique to each child.
- Once a week during dinner take a moment to express gratitude that you are a family.
- Turn on music and dance in the kitchen before or after dinner
- Use that lumpy “bowl” made in art class to hold pins or paper clips
To enter for your chance to win, enter your name and email address in the box below you will be signed up for today's giveaway as well as be added to the 24/7 MOMS E-list (if you are not already a 24/7 MOMS subscriber).

Frugal Quote for Thought: “The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of their time each day.”
M. Grundler

Frugal Reading Review:

“Mom, You Make a Difference; Encouraging Reminders from Real Moms”
edited by Elisa Morgan

Poignant and hilarious anecdotes and mom-to-mom encouragement (easily read between diaper changes and carpooling), make this book a must-read. Topics such as “Life’s Irretrievable Moments”, “Windows of Opportunity”, and “The Precious and the Important” support and lighten a mom’s moments. Forty-two moms are waiting in this book, to let you know you’re not alone. They share of their everyday and special moments, from their hearts, as Moms like you. Purchase your copy today at the 24/7 MOMS store.

Upcoming Wednesday: “Wiser Consumer Wednesday"

1 comment:

  1. Truly making our kids feel special in those little colloquial moments are what will make a lasting impression over a lifetime.
